Friday, March 2, 2018


        After my fall last Saturday while starting out on my morning walk, I thought I was well on my way to complete recovery. And, yesterday, Thursday, 03/01/2018, I went on my morning walk and cut it back by two thirds. 

         Well, I don't know what happened during the night, but, this morning my left knee area decided to go back to day one. I may have turned in the night and re-twisted something. This morning I felt like going uptown and purchasing a cane. And, it dawned on me how many "cool" canes I have passed on at recent auctions. 

       I will be putting back on my brace for my knee and really slowing down more and see how it goes for the next couple of days. Hopefully, this is just a temporary set-back and no big deal. I do hate it that I just can't bounce back as I did when younger!


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