Thursday, March 8, 2018


      Just before lunch time I stopped at the Hardware store on the square here in Williamsburg, Iowa for an item or two. While getting out of my car, I could hear loud music coming from a vehicle across the street. It was so loud that the vehicle seemed to be vibrating back and forth. 

           It did remind me of a time years ago, late 1990's, while living in Marshalltown, Iowa, when I get even in a way with different elements playing loud music from their autos. I had pulled up to a stop light, with window down, and my radio at full volume with an old "Classic Rock" song blaring away!

       I'm sure this was initially puzzling to these young "punks!" I'm sure they never had witnessed  and/or heard some mid 50 year year old guy rockin' out to this strange and ancient music. Who dare play anything that loud while cruising that wasn't Rap, Hip Hop, or a Mexican Mariachi band! I can still see their look over at me!

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