Sunday, May 31, 2015
I am reminded every day going through Facebook how much effort goes into posting various information that we attempt to share with friends and relatives. We all have our own agenda so to speak.
My agenda has been for many years is encouraging others to write about personal and family stories in short story or vignette form. If we can find the time to put funny little sayings and pictures of interesting places on Facebook, then make the time to relay some interesting treasures of years ago and/or today in written form.
I have said this many times that a picture is not worth a thousand words unless we know something about the picture or who the faces are in it. I know a lot of my stories don't mean a whole lot to some, but, I know from feedback that there are few out there that do enjoy them today.
It is all about habit. If you get in to the habit of writing just a few stories a day, a week, or a month, you will have a record of family history. Someone in your family, a person years into the future that may never know, will thank you! I did. Most of us would rather read about family stories than just look at old pictures. Besides, telling a few interesting treasures about the 1950's or even 1990's will be and is already history. Who knows, by the time that great niece reads about some of your adventures of even today, 2015, it will be "back in the good old days."
Whether you write on a Blog form, tid-bits on Facebook, word processor, or by long hand, just get started. You will be rewarded someday. You just may never know by whom!
The political race between the 18 plus Republican candidates and Hillary Clinton at this point should be very interesting to watch for the next year and a half. I have never been a big fan of Hillary as my sister Doris can attest to, but, I have always somehow rooted for the underdog and especially when you have so many at this point picking on one high profile Grandma!
I am always reminded of Jimmy Hoffa of years ago and all his bad deeds. The Teamster followers knew that Jimmy was not a saint, but, as long as they got theirs he could have his. The Fox News crew can keep on bringing up the E mail scandal, Benghazi affair, and how much the Clinton's are getting per speech, it doesn't matter a whole lot. The only ones really watching are other conservative junkies. Besides, isn't this America. If someone will pay thousands of dollars to listen to a speech more power to them. We pay pro athletes insane amounts of money!
I have said for a long time that extreme political views do not fly in this country and until some one in the Republican herd shifts to middle ground, Hillary will keep right on going. Besides, my mother, a staunch Democrat, always reminded me-- "God must have loved the poor that's why he made so many of them."
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Everyone that really knows me realizes that I love watching old movies, new movies and everything in between. This past week was one of those movie watching runs that I wish I could take back.
It all started when I rented Omega Man starring Charleston Heston. I had never seen it and since I like sci-fi, I thought I would give it a shot even though I am not a big fan of Heston. Sometimes I think that even if a movie is bad maybe it will be so bad that it will be funny bad or bad funny! This was neither. He was killed at the end and should have been kicked off in the beginning.
The other one I watched was Escape fro L.A. starring Kurt Russell. I thought this one, again never seen, had a shot because it was produced by John Carpenter of Halloween fame and also co-starred one of my all time favorite character actors, Steve Busemi of Fargo. The funny looking little guy! I didn't make it to the end. The plot was gross and as predicted just as bad as the first one-Escape from New York City or? I hope Kurt Russell is now selling his art work or anything unrelated to acting. Oh well! I'll keep trying. Sometimes this is like being a Cubs fan and you just keep wondering why!
Someone at the Burg Grocery brought up about Abbott and Costello's routine of "Who's on First" the other day. No doubt, that's probably considered the best comedy routine of all time.
My personal favorite, though, has to be the routine between Jack Benny and Mel Blanc back in the 1950's on Benny's T. V. show. If you were not aware, Mel Blanc did ALL the voices for Warner Bros. cartoons years ago. He was amazing!
Prior and during that era, he would do guest appearances on the Jack Benny show and would do various characters. One was where Jack was in a department store at Christmas and Mel Blanc played a clerk assisting Jack with a Christmas gift purchase. Jack keeps changing his mind on the purchase and Mel has to keep rewrapping the gift time again. Until, Mel Blanc finally goes a little nuts. It's priceless.
The best one for me was when Mel Blanc came on the show dressed as a Mexican guy complete with sombrero. Even though Mel was a short Jewish man with terrible bags under his eyes, he could pull it off. Jack interviews him and starts with his name being Cy, followed by Si, his sister Sue and that she sows and then that famous stare and pause of Jack Benny. I could watch that routine over and over again!
Sometimes we just don't get it! We think or at least our brain thinks we still are in our 30's. The other day I was invited out to play a game of HORSE (basketball for you non sports fans) with my two youngest grandkids. Sounded like a lot of fun and besides in my day I wasn't bad at shooting hoops.
First of all, I don't like being laughed at because I dribble funny. After all, I can't tell you the last time I jogged let alone trying to run slowly while dribbling a basketball. Would someone give me credit for power walking every morning for a half hour.
I did lose, but, not by much. I kept shooting the same bank shot and making it over and over! Of course, then, I was accused of cheating. Hey, if it works why change it? I do need to work on that dribble though!
One of my favorite dishes to make is Shrimp Gumbo. Even though I only make it once or twice a year, it is always a treat. One thing I do enjoy making is the Roux and it is fun to say plus it gives the whole thing a little snob appeal.
It also tests my patience actually standing at the stove for 10 plus minutes slowly stirring this caramel liquid of butter and flour. And, I never thought I would want to eat anything with okra in it. With all the natural ingredients of onion, tomato, celery, a little garlic, and green onion, I don't add any other spices as some recipes call for. If you want to heat it up Cajun style, I'll just pass you the Tabasco bottle.
If you have never tried this delight, try the Taste of Home recipe of just Shrimp Gumbo. The authentic recipe calls also for sausage which I am not a fan. I just enjoy the shrimp flavor. Plus, I love saying "RU" with a little French accent!
Friday, May 29, 2015
I know I have mentioned that I wear the same model of white Reebok tennis shoe for at least a couple of decades now. For work they feel the best for me despite the fact they are white and "uncool" I suppose. Yes, I have another pair if I am around my grandkids and attempt to look with it just a little and not to embarrass them any more than necessary.
A few weeks ago, I went to the Penney's store in Marshalltown where I have routinely purchased them. Most all the other tennis shoes were on sale but my white Reebok's. I started laughing in front of the clerk. That model has always been on sale. Always. Usually listed at $65 and on sale for $42. I may not be that frugal, but, that is a big savings. The clerk ended up calling two other "higher up" employees so see when they would go on sale next time. I waited and came back for the savings. I was proud of myself for waiting. Patience has never been my game.
I have said for years that there should be certain National Holidays like National Clean Off the Front Of the Refrigerator Day. All the outdated pictures and appointment cards that have been up there for years on end that should go.. Also, maybe throw in Clean Out Your Car Week! That could be a semi-annual holiday held on the 2nd day in January and July 3rd, just before the big holiday!
Here is another one I would add to the mix. Toss Your Spice Rack Day! I did that the other day, almost all, and it felt darn good. Even though they started putting spices in smaller containers years ago, it seems like they still last for eternity. Especially, when you have a recipe that calls for that one spice that you know you will probably never use again.
Some recipes I just ignore the certain spices it calls for and just let the natural flavor of other ingredients come through. If it calls for a little "heat," I just get out the old bottle of tabasco sauce. Sometimes I wonder if the person making up a certain recipe and it has so many spices listed, if their just playing with us a little. It's like CILENTRO right now. It's in and all the T.V. chefs seem to think we can't eat without it. Yes I can!
Monday, May 25, 2015
Yesterday we drove to F. W. Kent Park just about three miles east of Oxford, Iowa off highway 6 in Johnson County. Ilah had never been there and I wanted to show it to her as I was so impressed by it after going there a few weeks ago.
Sunday was a real rainy gloomy day and not good for getting out of the car. However, with the overcast and dreariness of it all, the various shades of green seemed to be more vibrant than normal for this time of year.
So if one of these weekends the day seems too gloomy and rainy for your family picnic think again. Go on out and find a shelter and just enjoy the pristine beauty that awaits you.
Today a list was posted on Facebook entitled "10 Polite Things People Just Don't Do Seem To Do Anymore." Some of them people didn't do a long time ago.
I had a good friend who was a lawyer and he was very instrumental in getting me interested in snow skiing, auto racing(Indy 500), and Iowa Hawkeye football. When we would talk on the telephone, you would always have his full attention and he would NEVER cut you off and say that he had another call to take. And, I know there were times when he had more important calls to get to.
I always applied that technique when I was a realtor. There were lots of times when our receptionist would be announcing that I had a call on "line 2" or whatever. But, normally I attempted to give my fullest attention to the current caller before going on to the next!
Another example of politeness was years ago when two of my favorite nephews would show up at my mother's house with their hats on-- God help them!
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Wilhemina Marie Fredericka "Minnie" Schultz Smith was born 5/25/1889-1/24/1984. We will never forget you! As an avid Cubs fan, I know she would want to say: "Go Cubs Go!"
Saturday, May 23, 2015
As long as I live, I will never learn to get used to someone calling his wife "mother." It is his wife and should be addressed as so. Also, in that category falls old lady, old man, or sis for that matter. I know these are what we call country usage, but, for some reason I never can get used to hearing someone calling a relative something other than by their name or at least as my "wife" or even better half.
I have a close friend when talking about his wife always refers to her as "the wife' or "her." As a good friend, I just tolerate it. And, it wasn't that my mother was highfalutin and taught us kids the Queens English or the like. It's just me!
Even this avid Iowa Hawkeye loves Fred Hoiberg. If you don't care for this guy there is something really wrong with you and it is probably best you check yourself in to the nearest Mental Facility. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching Cyclone basketball under his watch.
However, I wish the Des Moines Register would give all the speculation about his leaving, why and when, a rest. I will be just as sad as any loyal Cyclone fan if he does, but, do we have to read about it or hear about it almost daily. If he does, I hope it is DA Bulls!
Sometimes things just strike me funny, I know! The other day a young mother and her daughter came in to in to the Burg Grocery. The mother said something to her daughter too low to hear clearly as they walked by, but, enough that I thought I didn't hear what the mother said correctly.
So, I turned and asked the mother if she had addressed the cute little three year old as "Leo." She did. I had to chuckle as I never heard a little girl called by that name for sure. Obviously, it would not have been as funny if she would have called her Jessie, Bobbie, or even Chris. It turned out to be just a nickname. I liked it. I forgot to ask about the "why." Next time!
Friday, May 22, 2015
Two magicians were fighting over their assistant. One said to the other. "I sawed her first!"
Same comedian and the same radio station. "Along life's road or journey when you stumble and fall you can always pick your self up--unless you are a tight rope walker!!!"
I was listening to a FM radio station the other morning and heard a comedian do a bit about giving a graduation commencement speech. The line went something like ---"Any dufus can become a doctor or lawyer, but, it is extremely difficult to succeed with a major in Theater!" Just think about it for a little while.
Thursday, May 21, 2015
This past Thursday, I had stopped in for my one with everything and a glass of water since I figured out how much a soft drink costs. When I was ready to pay, I motioned to a young lady behind the counter and she looked over at me, pointed toward where a couple had just left on the west side, and indicated they had paid for my sandwich.
I asked one more time thinking I didn't hear her right. I had not recognized the couple, but, that doesn't always mean anything. Different things immediately crossed my mind. a) Did the couple actually know me and wanted to show some kindness. b) Did they not know me and simply felt sorry for an old guy dressed in a frayed denim shirt. c) Did they know me and see how I was dressed and really did feel sorry for me.
I really want to think it was simply someone who wanted to show an act of kindness. Nothing more. Nothing less! It felt good, but, next time when I do that for someone, I bet it will feel even better! Give it a try!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
I ran across a newspaper clipping from the Marshalltown Times Republican from probably the 1930's or 1940's. Johnnie Laverty was my father as Thomas was his brother and my uncle.
Laurel--Thomas and Johnnie Laverty are leaving for a fishing trip to northern Minnesota. Mike Buhrow and Joe E. Brown have returned from a trip through Wisconsin and Minnesota. Harry McBroom is back on duty carrying mail after having a nose operation.
These social notices were common in local newspapers and served as a vehicle on letting friends, neighbors, and relatives know the goings on of others. (Also, served as a way to do a little bragging!)Just like Facebook of today and who knows tomorrow,
I've learned that being a grandparent is God's compensation for growing older.
from: Live and Learn and Pass It On. by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
This morning on my usual daily weigh in, I thought for a split second that I had lost three pounds over night. It didn't seem right despite the fact that I had been very careful through the previous day with the calories! Stepping back on for the second attempt, I was back up to what was more logical. I had dropped only one pound. If scales could laugh, I am sure mine was having a nice little chuckle!
Back in the 1960's, one of the top Italian pizza houses was a place called Bamie's on Army Post Road fairly close to the Des Moines Airport. The guy that owned it was a local Dowling graduate who had a real bizarre sense of humor.
On my first visit there with my wife, Sandi, we sat down at one of the tables in the small cozy place and were ready to have our pizza, when Sandi noticed that her fork was not clean. She waved to "Bamie" and he came over immediately. After picking up the fork and upon examination, he wiped it under his arm pit, examined it again, and laid it done by her and said "there you go."
On another occasion years later, I was back there and had spilled a beer at my table. After motioning to Bamie that I needed a rag to wipe the table, from behind the bar he pitched a rag to me with very good velocity and hit me right square in the chest. That was Bamie!
Monday, May 18, 2015
It probably is wishful thinking, but, after the Cubs latest streak of six winning games one can only speculate! They do have a lot of young good talent! At least they are fun to watch once again.
Sunday, May 17, 2015
This past Saturday we had to meet family in Des Moines briefly while they were in town. It was around lunch time and after the rendezvous, we headed for my all time favorite Des Moines eating treat, Tasty Taco's! The nearest one for us was the Euclid location.
Heading back to Williamsburg, we decided to go to Pella for a Dutch Letter and ??? But, along the way to Pella, we had to go through Prairie City. No, we did not have their famous tenderloin, but, just a small malt with a double shot of malt. Wow! And, yes I only gained a pound. Plus, I will make up for it this week. That two hour eating frenzy of some of my top favorite's, will never happen again. At least, not in this life time.
This past Saturday after coming back from Des Moines, we stopped into Jaarsma's Bakery in Pella. We picked out several favorites to take home with us including a Dutch Letter, of course, and a chocolate Eclaire for Ilah and a vanilla cream puff for myself.
Later that evening, we made our treats disappear without too much trouble. But, we both commented that we have had better in years past. There used to be a bakery in Marshalltown when I was a kid on Main Street called the Ideal Bakery about just west where the Tremont complex is today.
When my mother came home with a few of those cream puffs, chocolate and vanilla, it was the greatest treat ever. For some reason I loved the vanilla best. They were smaller than the ones from Jaarsma's, but, the outer shell crust was much lighter and the cream inside always seemed to explode with the first bite. Oh, My!
Saturday, May 16, 2015
The other day while in Marshalltown, I was headed to Taylor's, of course, for lunch. I was going east on Linn approaching north 3rd Ave. I have become aware of the white lines around denoting the bike lanes. I had spotted the line as I was approaching 3rd Ave and stayed to the right of it.
When the light changed, I started to make my left turn. To my surprise there was a young lady to my left in that far inside lane also turning left. It was a good thing I spotted her. I did receive a dirty look, but, at least no harm.
After eating, I went around the block again to see what was what. The solid white line ended just beyond the drive way to the gas station entrance on the northwest corner of that intersection allowing only a few feet for an actual turn lane. The left turn arrow painted on the street was all but faded. Not being used to the norm at that corner, instinct told me in dealing with these bike markings, I WAS IN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY. A judge, I am sure, would have disagreed with me. It seems like dealing with an additional marking and depending on the situation at the time, it is just added confusion.
My mother was always, it seemed, pinning or in some way attaching notes to family memorabilia. In a blue cobalt pitcher that was given me, the paper note is still inside of it explaining that it was a gift from a family member to my parents when they were married in 1932.
Not only is it important to put names with pictures that we treasure, it also applies to material things. If an old vase has an interesting story behind it, somehow tell the story and put the information with it. Jokingly, for years, I have said that at least if one of your family members is going to put a family treasure in a garage sale, they will have some guilt if they are aware of the story behind it.
Too many times we hear of someone coming across old family photos without any notations of who the people are. Proper notation applies to photos and all kinds of other family treasures!
This past Thursday evening, May 14, 2015, we attended the Williamsburg Eighth Grade Awards Night in which our grandson, Clayton Thurm, was a participant. We were very proud of his receiving several awards for football, basketball, track, and baseball. But, probably were most proud of his high GPA and his membership in the National Honor Society. Congratulations Clayton!
The other morning upon waking extra early, I got up and went in and flipped on the T.V.
It seems like I always end up flipping to the food network or some channel with somebody cooking.
Of course, here is this very pleasant lady making stuffed French toast. Not just any French toast. She was making it with a bread I have never heard of which is always the case. Nothing on these shows are made with any thing ordinary.
The stuffing part was not something that odd. It was Nutella Hazelnut Spread with Cocoa. I ended up trying with Hawaiian sweet bread and then topping it off with fresh sliced strawberries and a little sprinkled powdered sugar. My significant loved it. As I knew she probably would. Me. I made my usual plain French toast with a little butter and my usual Karo light clear syrup. Sometimes, I like to make new things, but, not necessarily eat them.
Friday, May 15, 2015
Someone was discussing the other day a particular river that they had gone tubing on in Arizona. I have never done that on any size river, but, one thrill will always be white water rafting down the Arkansas River in Colorado.
It was about 10 years ago and on the last leg of our trip to Colorado. It was near Canon City, southwest of Colorado Springs. The Arkansas River flows below the majestic Royal Gorge. It was an eight man raft and was medium degree of difficulty run, but was a thrill for this guy who was in his 60's. And, to look up and view the walls of the Royal Gorge area was simply breathtaking. One I will never forget. It was right up there with snow skiing for thrills. Sky diving is not on my short bucket!
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Again, back in the 1970' and 80's, Johnny's Vet's Club located in West Des Moines was one of the old fashion supper clubs that are pretty much a thing of the past.
It was owned by a Greek named John Stamatelos. The restaurant was located just off 1st street, in West Des Mioines or 63rd street on the DesMoines side. It was south of Railroad street
and adjacent to the Racoon River and near a junk yard. A real not-cool area. The building was an added on frame structure that you didn't dare think about the fire risk too long.
When you entered into this tiny entry area, there sat Johnny Stamatelos to greet you. The entrees of the time were a steak de burgo, pan fried in butter, and my favorite most nights, top sirloin served in a metal plate with a small stick that told you if it was prepared rare, well done or whatever. Always, "Bob Special" came with a pat of melting butter on top.
After eating, you could always go into a separate area an enjoy a little action around the guy playing in the piano bar for a little sing a long! Just like Billie Joel's "Piano Man." And, when you were ready to leave there sat Johnny wishing you well on your departure!
Does anyone remember the Lark restaurant in Tiffin, Iowa. That was before it burned and it was moved to the south side of Iowa City for a time, but, didn't make it there.
In the 1970's and 19 enough 80's, I went there quite a few times after Iowa Hawkeye football games. It was quite "thee" place to go. One of the things I remember that was unusual about the food was the unusual dinner salad. It was huge and they would take a whole head of lettuce, carve it out and leave enough of it whole, so that you almost had a bank board effect. You had to see it to believe it.
When the games started at 11 am, you could get to the Lark at around 3pm or so and have to wait in the parking lot till it opened at 4pm. It was quite the place in it's time. Won't forget a lot of fond memories eating there with friends.
This past week at the Burg Grocery, I had spotted a couple of brand new RV's sitting in the parking lot. We do get quit a bit of traffic in the store due to our proximity to the Interstate. Then, a while later a lady and her son came up to check out their groceries.
With a little small talk, the lady indicated with a cool accent that they were from Denmark. Very quickly, it was learned that they had flown over from Denmark to Chicago and were headed to Los Angeles via first stopping at Elkhorn, Iowa and on to Mt. Rushmore then on to L.A. The stop in Elkhorn was because that town has a Danish heritage.
Not knowing all the details about the trip here, the why and so forth, she also indicated when they get back, they were headed for Italy? My question still is how do I find a "gig" like that? They also couldn't understand bagging and carrying out their groceries. That wasn't done in Denmark. I told them it wasn't done much here either anymore!
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
It was in the Des Moines Register today that Yogi Berra, Hall of Fame catcher for the New York Yankees, celebrated his 90th birthday. One Yogi-ism that was printed was "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical." My all time favorite is: "When you come to a fork in the road-take it!"
Someone the other day on Facebook mentioned watching certain movies or a particular movie 100 times. I love to watch old movies, new movies, and everything in between, but, I don't recall ever watching a certain favorite "flick" 100 times.
I am not sure that these would qualify, but, I have watched my old collection of the Three Stooges numerous times with my grandchildren. And, when the Wizard of Oz came on annually, I would watch it with my ex-wife as she loved it and had almost memorized every line from the movie.
From there it would have to be some of my old sci-fi classics from the 1950's like the Day the Earth Stood Still, Them, War of the World's and The Creature from the Black Lagoon. But, even those would only have been watched a few dozen times each.
The Godfather I and II, Good fella's, and probably a few other Mob favorites would get to the dozen range. Patton would also be up there in the running, but, my all time favorite with probably 12-15 view category would be Fargo! Never heard of it? Get out of here! Check it out! The best murder/comedy true story ? movie to come along from the Coen Brothers. It won the Academy Award in 1997. "Ya! You Betcha!
Sorry! I think I have only watched Gone With the Wind once!
A lady at work the other day referred to me a "supper club" in the Cedar Rapids area. She referred to it as her favorite restaurant. knowing her background, somewhat, I figure it is worth checking out. But, I am not going to name it until I check it out myself.
It got me to wondering if there are many supper clubs left in Iowa, good supper clubs. By definition it is a place of all night destination. Starting with cocktail hour, dining, the some type of entertainment-usually a piano bar.
Jax in Marshalltown at one time would have been considered a supper club, along with the Lark in Tiffin, and Johnny's Vet Club in West Des Moines.
If you know of any please pass them along. It could be fun. It's kind of like the drive-in theater! After all, they were started back in the 1930's and 1940's. I am sure some of your local vet's clubs and service clubs still serve this function today.
Monday, May 11, 2015
Each year since we moved to Williamsburg, we have put out a few pots of flowers to spiff up our front entry area. This year I told Ilah that I would like to pick out the flowers and arrange them. Since she knows me real well, she teased me about putting out my old usual favorite pink geraniums. Ya, why not!
Then, the more I thought about it, I decided to meet the challenge, and show her I could do something different. Since, we do sell quite a selection of plants and flowers in the spring at the Burg Grocery, I spent a little time at work looking them over and trying to come up with a "game plan."
The color theme I decided on was to be "ORANGE." It seems to be sort of an underdog color. Most people choose pinks, red, lavenders, or even yellow. Besides, one of my favorite oldie songs is "Orange Crush" song---Got my spine, got my orange crush! by R.E.M.
Also, just a few short years ago, orange was picked as the new "in" color for home decorating. It was settled. I decided to use three clay plain terracotta pots, and then used Disco Marietta Marigolds, Geisha Mix Celosia, and Cosmic Orange Cosmos and all of one variety in each pot. It looked so good, It even surprised myself. I will find, also, some orange impatiens for the shaded corner of the entry.
Sometimes, the moral is that change is good and the results can even set you free somewhat!
Sunday, May 10, 2015
There a lot of exercises and athletic rituals, that probably are best left alone at my age, but, at least there are a couple disciplines that I do routinely every morning. First, even though my weight lose program has leveled off at about an eighteen pound drop, two things make me feel good to start each day.
First, I lay on the floor flat on my back, with my arms to my side and legs pulled up.Then, I simply do what I call leg crunches or easy sit-ups without too much strain. All I am trying to accomplish is building up those stomach muscles a bit. I am up to about 35 lifts and sure tell the difference.
Second, I proceed with my 25 minute power walk that I have done for at least the last six or seven years. Starting tomorrow, I will be working on getting that next five pounds off. But, in the meantime, I know that at least I am doing something to feel better about myself!
Another thing that I am grateful for, this Mother's Day week-end, is one of favorite restaurant's "period" is That Place at the Conrad Corner. I am grateful that it is still there after many decades and still serves outstanding food! I am also grateful that not every body knows about it or can find it out in the middle of nowhere off highway 14.
Even though it is a fairly long haul from Williamsburg to dine out, it is worth the trip at least three or four times a year. Their prime rib, also grateful not everyone likes prime rib, is to simply savor and experience. After dipping a piece into the Au jus and letting out a noticable moan after taking a bite, well what can I say.
Their salads and baked potato are not really anything special, but, adding a little onion and tomato to the always fresh salad along with the excellent french and blue cheese salad dressing combo that I love, now you are talking!
If you haven't been there or not for some time, you owe it to yourself for a special dining experience. All their other steaks are outstanding. And, if you are there a night when they have walleye and can't make up your mind between that and prime rib, here is the answer. Do like I did several years ago and ask if they can make up a "Combo" for you! Why not? You only live once. I think!
If you ever watched Jerry Seinfeld years ago, you probably remember the episode involving Elaine and Mr. Pitt, who she worked for at the time. It involved her buying socks for Mr. Pitt and the difficulty in pleasing him with the purchases of them.
I am somewhat like Mr. Pitt, in that it took me a long time to convert to wearing ankle high socks when going casual. And, I still wear "white" short socks with shorts or longer leisure pants with my Reebok's. They are also white and just for around the house and work. I do own another pair that are grey and white if I want to jazz it up a little.
Living in Williamsburg, one does not get too many chances so see what the cool and trendy guys my age or so are wearing. It was probably only five years ago or so that while sitting down to rest at the State Fair, I still was the only guy wearing white socks that were the traditional lower to mid calf height. There was this one guy that was older than me that still was wearing a pair.
For what it is worth, I still don't feel as good in these ankle high socks as the old ones. Something is missing and I feel half dressed. Oh, well! Gotta change!
When selling real-estate back in the 1980's, a lot of first time home buyers had a problem with the size of home they could afford due to at least one area and that was closet size. Most of the smaller pre World War II homes and even after, had very little closet space.
Most of these small bungalows had small narrow closets that had just one or two rods or poles to hang clothes and were supported width wise and not length wise. There were also a hand full of hooks or large nails to place clothes on.
Most younger buyers at the time had been raised in their folks larger and more ample closets along with the fact that the generation of the time had a lot more clothes. They had a lot more of everything. I used to tell a potential home buyer that they could get a portable clothes closet and put in the basement to store off season clothing. That was about the only option or storing clothes in a spare bedroom.
The closets in our large farm home had bigger closets, but, the design was the same as homes in my real estate days. People back in those days, especially farmers, did not have as large of wardrobes as today. Even though both my parents were somewhat clothes horses, they still did not possess the wardrobes like today.
Saturday, May 9, 2015
You have three choices with change! 1) Go with it. 2) Get out of it's way. 3) Or, let it run over you!
Friday, May 8, 2015
Today a lady customer bought a gallon of vanilla Blue Bunny ice-cream that we had on sale. I made some comment about my envy and then she shouted back while getting in her car. "Especially with rhubarb sauce!" Oh No!
This past week I noticed for the first time that the new coffee shop is finally open across and just south of Fisher's in Marshalltown. That was started a year or two , it seems, when I still lived in Marshalltown. I moved to Williamsburg three years ago. There has to be a story behind the lack of speed!!
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
This past week while having lunch at the Ronneburg Restaurant in Amana, I actually didn't realize why the main street there was decorated so beautifully and tastefully in soft red and yellow bows and piping all along the way.
All you heard about at this time was about Cinco de Mayo. I knew that the Amana's would not necessarily recognize that celebration. Maybe I am too many generations removed to have ever remembered this event. You would think since German immigration here was or has been the largest group of any nationality, there would be more recognition. Some where, I am sure it is a big deal. They make up for it in the fall!
All you heard about at this time was about Cinco de Mayo. I knew that the Amana's would not necessarily recognize that celebration. Maybe I am too many generations removed to have ever remembered this event. You would think since German immigration here was or has been the largest group of any nationality, there would be more recognition. Some where, I am sure it is a big deal. They make up for it in the fall!
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Today, just for the fun of it, I drove to Amana to eat one of my favorite lunch specials at the Ronneburg Restaurant. Later I will tell about the delicious meal I enjoyed just because I could.
But, for know I want to pass along the Amana history that I obtained off the place mat at the restaurant. If you don't know how it was established or need a little refresher here goes.
Amana was established by a religious movement in the early 1700's in Germany by Lutheran clergymen and their followers. After breaking away from the church, this group faced unyielding persecution which forced them to immigrate in 1842 to Ebenezer, New York. Wishing to establish a permanent home, the leaders moved the group west to the fertile lands of Iowa, establishing the Amana Community of True Inspiration in 1855.
Amana installed a communal system motivated by deep religious convictions. They became a completely self-sufficient society, requiring little contact with the "outside" world.
This system thrived for over 80 years before economic and social changes forced the leaders to develop a new plan. They changed y becoming a corporation allowing private ownership of property. After this change, every home had its own kitchen and the communal kitchen of the past became a memory.
The Ronneburg Restaurant served their first customers in this building in 1950. The restaurant's name comes from a medieval fortress in Hesse, Germany. The Ronneburg sheltered and sustained Amana's ancestors during their persecution over 200 years ago.
Our dining room's atmosphere differs considerably from that of austere communal days. Back then, men ate at one table and women and children ate at another. Only fifteen minutes were allowed for a meal and conversation was frowned on and music was strictly forbidden.
The one room or area of our home, when growing up, that has carried very special memories for me was what we called the back room. In the original house plan the purpose was for a bedroom as it was the only downstairs room with a closet. The other five bedrooms were upstairs and they all included walk-in closets.
The master bedroom that my parents used was a room on the northeast side of the first floor adjacent to the living room. This room was much larger than the "back room" but, at the same time had no closet. However, they could cut through the enclosed hall area that led upstairs to get to the back bedroom.
I do remember seeing some of my dad's clothing in that closet before he passed away in 1953. He only owned a couple pair of suits and will never forget at least two pairs of the old wing tip style dress shoes.
For a time, this back room was used as a T.V. room and I recall on many an afternoon after school watching American Bandstand with Dick Clark followed by The Mickey Mouse Club along with munching on some Highland potato chips and a Pepsi.
Also, for a time it was used as a bedroom because it was too cold upstairs as we didn't heat the upstairs during the winter. At night at 10 o'clock, I would tune my radio in to KFJB in Marshalltown and listened to a show that played all kinds of music. Their lead in theme song was the instrumental by Big Band Buddy Rich called "Night Train." It was from 1952 and that instrumental with Rich's trombone solo still gives me chills every time I still play it, full blast in the car off my homemade CD called none other than "Night Train."
Oh the things we remember and are influenced by!
It took me until later in the week to realize just how enjoyable my one man dining experience was at the Ronneburg. First, I believe that we would all agree, especially as we get a little older, that it is comforting to have some things remain the same in this fast changing world.
Just to drive into this quaint heritage rich Iowa town, you feel like you are stepping back in time. Inside the restaurant one feels a certain comfort in its decor and surroundings. The old world European experience lets you imagine that you could also be dining in Bavaria.
The food as an excellence all its own, and basically the entrees have not wavered much in decades. Just like our dear Taylor's or Zeno's in Marshalltown, it is nice to know that some things remain the same. You may not care for the family style serving or even if the word wiener-schnitzel disgusts you, long live the Amana Colonies!
Monday, May 4, 2015
This past Saturday, May 2, 2015, I drove my grandson, Kyler, to his baseball game in West Branch, Iowa. Somewhat a typical week-end with every grand-kid playing ball in a different town plus a Benefit going on at a local church. I was happy to be the chosen driver. I have always said that it is good to on occasion to have a little one on one time with our kids and grand-kids.
West Branch is not that far from Williamsburg. Just a shot east in I-80, past Iowa City, then north about five miles. We were a little early for the game so we decided to check out the town as I had never been there even though traveling east on hundreds of occasions past it on I-80.
The first thing you notice is lots of new homes. Always a good sign. The down-town had lots of antiques shops and most were well maintained as were older homes especially the Victorian style and unusual. Lots of pride. Of course it doesn't hurt to have the Hoover Library there along with being a stone throw from Iowa City. It will definitely be worth another visit with my significant some day. I am sure there is tasty bistro around there too!!
Sunday, May 3, 2015
It is always somewhat amusing to listen to parents and grandparents shouting out words of encouragement at a sporting event along with instructions on what to do and not do! "Put your legs together closer, hold your bat further down, watch the ball, keep your bat further back or up or down!" If the youngster were to listen to all the instructions thrown at them during a game, it would be a wonder they could hit or catch at all.Hopefully they don't hear most of what is yelled at them. One coach is enough!
I always remember a friend that I was playing golf with kept giving me all these tips. Mind you, he was a good golfer and I was not. I finally told him to keep his mouth shut as I was progressively playing worse with each approaching fairway. Although, the best place to learn is at practice, I never did take lessons or get better.
In traveling, I am sure lots of people just stop to eat when they are hungry. Years ago, along the interstate, I would stop at a Denny's, McDonald's, or maybe a Pizza Hut later in the day. I eventually got sick and tired of the sameness.
I have always been skeptical of those coupon books when in a city as usually the ones advertising need the business and one has to wonder about the freshness of the food, especially if there are not many patrons at peak times.
One source I have used in Iowa is the publication called The Best Ma and Pa Restaurants in Iowa. It usually is fairly reliable, but, once in a while have hit a lemon. One I want to give a whirl in June when doing some traveling is the Diner's, Drive-ins, and Dives from the cable food channel.
The best way I have found is to simply find the right person to ask locally. By that I mean not a teenager working in a convenience store. Find a fine gift shop or drug store and go in an talk to the owner. Someone who is in the "know" and probably has eaten at a few good local eateries.
I first used the technique while driving through some very interesting places. My thinking is if you are somewhere along the coast of Maine or California, seek out that place where you can not only enjoy fine dining, but, have a pleasurable memory of the sunset on a romantic outdoor deck with an ocean view. You can always eat at Mickey D's at home!
I have always been skeptical of those coupon books when in a city as usually the ones advertising need the business and one has to wonder about the freshness of the food, especially if there are not many patrons at peak times.
One source I have used in Iowa is the publication called The Best Ma and Pa Restaurants in Iowa. It usually is fairly reliable, but, once in a while have hit a lemon. One I want to give a whirl in June when doing some traveling is the Diner's, Drive-ins, and Dives from the cable food channel.
The best way I have found is to simply find the right person to ask locally. By that I mean not a teenager working in a convenience store. Find a fine gift shop or drug store and go in an talk to the owner. Someone who is in the "know" and probably has eaten at a few good local eateries.
I first used the technique while driving through some very interesting places. My thinking is if you are somewhere along the coast of Maine or California, seek out that place where you can not only enjoy fine dining, but, have a pleasurable memory of the sunset on a romantic outdoor deck with an ocean view. You can always eat at Mickey D's at home!
It's always fun to watch grand-kids in the various sporting events and to see them progress through the years. But, last Saturday was an absolute hoot!
It was a softball game tournament, that my youngest grand-daughter, Jenna, was playing in Iowa City. She is nine years old and well you will understand after I tell you about this particular game.
In pitching with girls they throw under handed and have a quick windup and then release. In this game the opposing pitcher had really no control. The ball usually went sky born, or rolled in on the ground, behind the batter, at and hitting the batter, and on a few occasions the opposing pitcher would drop the ball behind her during the windup. You had to feel sorry for her.
The final score was 10-8 in our favor, with all the runs scored on walks. Not one single hit from our team. Not a one. That windup was sure impressive though. Just like the older girls!
The other day while in Marshalltown, I stopped at Stuckey's Vacuum on Main to pick up a vacuum cleaner that had been repaired. Denise, the owner, helped me out with it to the car and mentioned she was surprised that I didn't have a bigger vehicle to carry around "all" my cleaning supplies. She had remembered when I had a residential cleaning business years past.
I reminded her that now all I do is clean a few home windows still in the Marshalltown area and don't need to "haul" much around like I used to' Now, I just need an extension to reach a couple of stories at most, a few rags and my handy assortment of squeegee's. Oh! Ya! And, a bottle of Dawn.
Clean a few windows, see old friends and family, travel from Williamsburg to see beautiful scenery along the way and eat an occasional Maid Rite. Life is good!
When my sister, Doris, and I get together it seems we invariably talk about trips or vacations that we shared as kids. One of them was our family trip in 1956 to the Lusk, Wyoming area. My mother had a cousin that resided there. Their names were George and Elsie Christian.
I was only twelve then and to me me their ranch was cool. My mom's sister, Vivian, and family also were there. My older cousin, Bob, son of my aunt Vivian, and I were allowed to sleep in the Bunk House. One night I even remember watching a tumble weed roll by in front of the bunk house. Just like in a movie western.
The big event was getting to take a ride in George's airplane right after breakfast one morning.Did I say right after breakfast. We went up in his small single engine plane, but, it might as well been a commercial jet. After a couple of dives and turns to check out his cattle herd, the worst possible thing happened. You guessed it! No more breakfast. How could you, Dennis. I am sure that George wished the family from Iowa would have never ventured beyond South Dakota!
The gravel trucks went by our house day and night it seemed. It was the late 1950's and the trucks were carrying rock from the quarry near Ferguson, Iowa to south of Kellogg, Iowa while I-80 was being built from coast to coast.
My poor mother, I am sure, probably had near nervous breakdowns due to all this dust. She was a "cleanaholic" and could never keep up with dusting in the house. At the same time, when it was time to go some where in my hot 57' Chevy, I would have to slowly drive over to the paved highway 14 west of us and then wipe it down before proceeding. You couldn't be caught dead in a dusty car going to the big city of Marshalltown on a Saturday night!
No! That was enough dust for me. I vowed that I would never live on a gravel road. Never have!
Saturday, May 2, 2015
This 1950's legend singer will always be remembered for his classic-Stand By Me! I still have the 45 record in my collection of my 50's and 60's favorites! That song has been enjoyed many times in my life including the Stephen King movie by the same name.
This past Friday, a window cleaning customer at lunch time was taking Maid Rite orders for her grand-kids. Some wanted malts and some wanted shakes. Yes, it reminded me of a story.
A few years back, my sister Doris was in the local hospital in Marshalltown and had asked me to get her and her visiting daughter, Sarah, a shake from the Maid Rite. I brought them into the hospital room and announced that I had gotten their MALTS. In unison and as if I had just handed them a hand grenade with the pin pulled, they both yelled Malts! We don't like malts! Good grief! I didn't know I had started World War III.
I prefer a malt because it has malt powder in it and that's what makes it so special. As a matter of fact when I am in the Maid Rite in Marshalltown, I always ask fora double shot of malt. More like the old days of years past.
With a shake you are basically having ice-cream and some milk mixed together. A lot of people, I know, use the terms interchangeably and really don't know the difference. But, again that's what makes the world go around.
Last week-end prior to attending a softball game that my young grand-daughter was playing in, my significant, since could not attend, asked me to pick up some material for her at a fabric shop in the same vicinity as the sports complex in Iowa City. Piece of cake, since she had written exactly would she needed.
This may not be in the same league as buying personal hygiene items for your sweetie or even picking up a few items at a grocery store, still, this is something out of my league and comfort zone.
Fortunately for me and the invention of the cell phone and four calls to home base, I made it out of there without a scratch. I won't even get in to all the questions the young clerk had. That's another world. Even though my blood pressure runs low, I would not have wanted it checked after this encounter. Again, too many choices!
I ran into an old high school classmate this past week from dear Laurel High. He had just received the invitation that was sent out this past week for our school reunion to be held this coming June. He indicated that he and his wife would probably not attend this year, but, would wait till the next one for our 55th! If I am right in the numbers since we graduated in 1962 , it would be 2017.
I sort of laughed and scolded him at the same time. My answer was what are you waiting for? We are 71 years old and since the last class graduated in 1963, we are considered the "youth" of the school. He thought they would wait for the year that our class would be honored! My reply to that was everybody at this stage should be honored for just being around and able to make it!
Hope to see he and his wife here this year. It's getting later than you think!
Someone mentioned the other day about having trouble getting to sleep at night. I mentioned that most nights I flip to a channel, HLN, where they have a show called Forensic Files. The commentator has a very soothing voice and you actually don't have to watch it to know what's going on. It's almost like listening to a show on the radio. I usually turn over and the next thing you know is good night Dennis.
Another guy I should have recorded for night time is Bob Ross. Remember him? He was an artist with a weekly T.V. show. He talked very softly and would show you how to brush in a little shrub or tree by the lake. After a few minutes, I was out like a light. Another one with that affect was Mr. Rogers. Hi, boys and girls. Welcome to the neighborhood! And, say sweet dreams Dennis!
The other evening, we attended a grandson's musical program at the Wilamsburg grade school. The theme was "Disney songs." They started out with The song from the Mickey Mouse Club. M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E! Mickey Mouse-Donald Duck and so on!
It brought back some fond memories of coming home after school and first watching American Bandstand and then following was the Mickey Mouse Club with all your favorite kids like Cheryl, Bobby, and every young guys favorite in the country-Annette!!! Oh My!
While in Marshalltown yesterday, I whipped in to the Dairy Queen on south Center Street for one of my favorite lunch treats while in town. I ordered my Chicago hotdog, took my number, grabbed a Des Moines Register and waited for my top three or four meal treats in my old home town.
The young man that manages there came over after I had started to eat and informed me he had some bad news. They were discontinuing the "Chicago" off their menu due to, as in so many words,-its unpopularity.
At least I know how to make it at home and it is not like they closed Taylor's Maid Rite. But, still you always hate to lose something that you could depend on for so long. Nothing lasts forever!
Friday, May 1, 2015
A lady was overheard at lunch the other day talking about if they ever had a fire in their home, the first thing she would grab up would be her picture albums. I smiled to myself and concurred.
Today you would have to gather up your smart phone, maybe computer, flash drive, a disk, and your album. Times have changed. When my daughter was very young and the first born, I took a ton of pictures of her with my old trusty 127 film camera.
I always thought that the one thing that would be worth saving would be those pictures. At the time, we banked at the Iowa-DesMoines National Bank in downtown Des Moines. I rented a safe deposit box there and about all I kept for some time were negatives of those pictures. Most everything else I figured could be duplicated, but, not those treasures of my baby girl!
Just north of our corn crib was two mulberry trees and just inside the fence that bordered that soft dirt lane that I told you about. When those berries were ready, nice and dark, in was a real treat to just sit up there and nibble away. My sister Doris told about remembering someone coming with a sheet and shaking the tree to gather the mulberries up. I know we gathered some up to take in and eat from time to time, but, what a treat to just up there in your own little world and feast!
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