Sunday, December 7, 2014


     Years ago,  on one of my periodic check-ups, my doctor reminded me to as he put it "keep moving." He was always reminding me that that so many of the farmers in the area had passed away shortly after they retired by simply becoming inactive. Sitting in that big old lazy chair and watching T.V.

     At this point I have failed the weight challenge because food, I tell myself, is one of my last enjoyments. Too much enjoyment. It's easy to rationalize,  because I convince myself that since I don't smoke, drink, do drugs, or chase women anymore (much) it's ok to eat. 

     One thing I do though each day,religiously,is power walk  at least 25-30 minutes. Some mornings I really do not want to do it as a joint or two has an ache or the last leg of my walk includes an uphill grade. But, every morning I tell myself that if I don't walk up that last grade that then the next time there will be something else I won't want to do. Maybe it will be too cold or too warm and I should cut my walk short. No you don't!

     I used to tell my mother when she started to shuffle a bit, that she needed to think like a majorette in a band and pick up those feet and march. Or, think like a contestant in a beauty pageant and move those feet one in front of the other and with your shoulders back. 

     Sometimes when out in the public, I attempt to walk the best  I can without showing  any pain. Especially when traveling a bit, it is becoming almost impossible to simply jump out of the car and start walking normal. Damn!


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