Monday, December 1, 2014


      What perfect weather for a cup of hot cocoa on a cold winter evening, especially after just decorating the Christmas tree! With or without marshmallows.

     For me, this is another one of those things where you take the time and do it right. Let me explain. For a long time we would go back and forth about what to buy to make hot cocoa. Nestle's Quick was used a lot along with other quick buys.

     Then one day last week, the light bulb came on late, like it does most often, and I bought Hershey's Cocoa.(100% cocao) I followed the directions to a T, mixing the right amount of sugar, with a few drops of vanilla, and making sure when the milk was finally added, not to let it boil.

      I was not disappointed . It was as if I was ten years old again. Sitting in our kitchen with my mother serving just for me that cup of yummy hot cocoa after she had just finished stirring it up on the stove. Some things, you just can't cut corners and, for me, this is one of them. P.S. Same goes for cook & serve chocolate pudding vs. instant. You won't be sorry!  


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