Saturday, December 13, 2014


      It was December of 1987 and the big game was coming up! A fellow in my Breakfast Club and a head  of the Central Iowa Heart Association was always saying that he could get tickets to about anything. It was time to put up or shut up! I wanted to go see my Hawkeyes play the Clones in Ames that coming week-end. ( Saturday, December 19, 1987)

     He came through! Not only were these good seats they were fantastic seats. The row right behind Johhny Orr. This were part of  Johnny Orr's personal seats. Since we just picked them up at will call and not knowing where they were located, it was sheer luck that I just wore a turquoise sweater and not some obvious Hawkeye gear.

     It was televised and I was so excited about where we were seating, I had to let my folks know where we, my ex-wife May and I, could be found. In those days there weren't cell phones yet, as much,  so I went to a pay phone and let them know.  It was a little awkward in that I felt we couldn't really yell and shout a whole lot out of respect to Johnny Orr. After all, he was a legend and these were his seats. So, we did behave ourselves, somewhat! 

     The rest was history. La fester Rhoads and a record setting 54 points, beat the Hawks in over-tome 102-100. Even though my team did not win, it was the experience of a life-time. The lesson learned was-It never hurts to speak up and ask! They can only say no! You might be surprised what you receive! 

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