Saturday, December 13, 2014


     There was no doubt from the beginning. The Cyclones were in control most all the way in this match-up. As an avid die-hard Hawkeye, I was impressed that a team without one of there star players could come on to Herkyville and dominate in such a fashion when the Hawks have won 400 games in Hawkeye-Carver.

      Die- hard Hawks may want to shoot me, but, when I get the chance to watch and enjoy these guys play I will be tuned in. Yes Sir! There's plenty of loving to go around.

     I hope they have a highly successful season and also hope that all can be done for a long time to keep Fred Hoiberg right here in the state of Iowa. Maybe, instead of the Kansas State's and North Carolina's coming in and taking our local talent, we can reciprocate the favors.

   Someone needs to remind Fred that the real challenge in his life may be putting Ames and Iowa State on the map as the basketball POWER of our time, not the Dukes and so forth.He could be the man to do it. Anybody like Roy Williams can go from one basketball power to another and succeed! Go Clones! But, Always a Hawkeye.

*******Coming soon. A Johnny Majors meets Dennis story!!

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