Saturday, December 13, 2014


     It was many moon's ago, when my brother-in-law, Clyde  Eddy, owned an  auto engine repair shop in Laurel,Iowa. I've bragged on Clyde before, but, he was probably one of the best auto mechanics in Central Iowa hands down.

    It was in the late 1970's, I believe, when during the Christmas season, I drove over to Laurel to stop in on one of his annual Christmas open houses to maybe use the term loosely. There was a few of the usual local good old boys and a few of the "coming back home for Christmas types" like me.

     There was always plenty of B.S, being exchanged, the usual jokes and even a little card playing. On this particular day someone had brought in a bottle of home-made "HOOCH."
I'm not sure who brought it in. Supposedly, from Tennessee or Kentucky which makes the story a little better. All I remember was, Bill Brown, an upper classmate of mine at Laurel High and Drake, took a big swallow! He couldn't talk for a good minute or so it seemed.
Boys will be boys! Merry Christmas! 

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