Thursday, December 11, 2014


     With the season upon us and the most asked question heard in most circles;  " Do you have your Christmas shopping done yet?" Of course, when someone replies that they were all done before Thanksgiving that tends to quiet the room!

     My grandmother Laverty was way ahead of her time in some ways. She made it known that a lot of her Christmas shopping was done as early as July or August with the town side-walk sales. Bargains galore then! Even though my grand-parents were not poor, Annie had  quite a few grand-kids to buy for and being a little frugal was the name of the game.

     And, back in the 1950's when I was a kid, there were no Black Fridays, Cyber Mondays, apps to compare prices, and, there were NO sales until after Christmas. I wonder if my Grandma ever got into a shoving match over a pair of marked down wool mittens on a hot August summer afternoon?  

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