Tuesday, December 16, 2014


      Our Christmas tree usually stood in a bay window area in our home.  It seemed like that was why that area was designed the way it was. I always dearly missed the magic the tree and its lighting provided when it was taken down after the first of the year. It took a while to adjust to the black hole that existed for a time. That feeling still remains today. I fight tooth and nail about taking the tree and all its beauty down prematurely.  I always try to have it remain  up until my birthday is over at the  tail end of January. I haven't won out yet!

     One year when I was a little kid, I had the bright idea that if I hid behind the tree on Christmas Eve,  then maybe I could witness Santa in action. I quietly  came from my bedroom and maneuvered my way behind the tree. After awhile I feel asleep and the next thing I knew someone was picking me up to take me back to bed. I was foiled! I never did come up with another or better plan.  


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