Thursday, December 4, 2014


     In the same year, while visiting friends in the NYC area, I had another fun encounter that same day as the subway incident. When my first wife and I arrived uptown by subway, we decided to have coffee and a pastry at the famous Plaza Hotel on the edge of Central Park.

     One thing you have to be careful is clarifying what you want in terms of a pastry. If you are not clear on ordering you normally will end up with a bagel. At least that was our experience. But, after we received our order, One of our utensils was not clean and instead of bothering the waiter, I walked over to an area where they kept such things and helped myself. Wrong!

     I am not sure where he came from, but, he came over to our table after witnessing me grabbing a utensil.  He proceeded to give me a lecture on what I had just done, and,  how it had reflected on his abilities as a waiter. WELL EXCUSE ME! I was never sure what lesson I learned there.

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