Saturday, December 6, 2014


      Same trip. Same time. Different new food story. Back in NYC and we were going over for an evening to visit friends of our hosts. They also lived in northern New Jersey, somewhere I never recalled. They were a really nice young Jewish couple and he was some type of producer for Columbia Records. 

     I'm sure they had to give some type of thought as to what to have for a meal for these IOWA people. Even being Jewish, I am not sure this would have been my choice. But! The meal was Lox and Bagels. You heard me right. Lox is basically cold smoked salmon on a bagel with a slice of tomato, cream cheese, and a slice of red onion. I couldn't believe it. I actually liked it. 

     To this day, I have only had this sandwich once or twice and I have made it at home. Can't say it's on my top 20 list of favorite entrees, but, the moral of the story is I tried it and to my surprise liked it.

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