Tuesday, December 2, 2014


     A few years ago, when my grand-daughters were all pre-teengers, I was fortunate enough to have all three staying the week-end at my home in Marshalltown. It was Ciera,  Cora, Paige, and just Grandpa D.

     Besides all the normal and usual activities that usually went on for the week-end like renting movies, eating out at maybe Zeno's Pizza,  Grandpa fixing a big breakfast and various card games, I included another "brain child" that should have remained in my pea sized brain.

     I decided that it would be a great idea to take them out to the Marshalltown Mall and let them shop, "till they dropped," at Claire's. You know the place! All kinds of inexpensive girl stuff. I thought they would have a blast picking out bracelets, combs, and who knows what at Grandpa's expense! All I had to do was give them each $10.00 and let them go to it. Wrong!

     Who was I kidding. I thought I could just sit outside the store and wait for my three little cuties to come out and show me their sacks of goodies! First of all, it is hard if not impossible to put three kids together, or adults for that matter,  without two ganging up on one. Next, one of them picks out something the other two wants, something is over budget and they try negotiating with one another over the difference in price and around and around it went.

     You wonder why our congressmen can't work things out. I was getting extremely stressed by the SECOND. I'm sure if there would have been a Grandma around this would have been a piece of cake somehow! Never again! If I must and the opportunity arises, maybe I'll take just one shopping. Maybe!


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