Saturday, December 6, 2014


      It's hard to believe how many new food discoveries that were brought my way on just one trip to NYC. This particular one was by pure accident. Again, the late 1960's and on this particular day the Statute of Liberty had just been toured and it was the noon hour and time for a bite to eat.

      We were in the lower Manhattan/Wall Street area and I spotted one of those hot-dog vendors and that really sounded good. I always wanted to get a hot-dog from one of those guys  after seeing them so many times in movies.

     Since I was the only one wanting one, I motioned to the guy with a raised hand and pointed index finger that just one was needed. As he handed it to me, I realized that it included a layer of sauerkraut. Also, up to that point I had not had a Rubin which includes kraut. 

     I was in a real quandary.Everybody knows these New Yorker's aren't real friendly and I didn't want him getting angry with me for not knowing how to order a simple hot- dog. So, I just proceeded to eat it with kraut and all. Wow! I liked it. Surprise! Surprise!

      To this day, I love a hot-dog with sauerkraut on it including mustard and onion. And, to cut the tartness a little a shot of sugar on top. Once in a while, I will eat a brat with kraut like most normal people, but, not real often. That's another story! 

     Speaking of big cities, my real favorite is a Chicago style hot-dog. Is this a great country or what!  

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