Sunday, December 7, 2014


      While visiting our friends in the NYC area back in the late 1960's, we decided to tour Manhattan on a Sunday afternoon when there was very little traffic. What was going to be really cool was that our host owned this 1958 all black Chevy Impala  convertible.

     With the top down, we started at the very lower tip of Manhattan and proceeded to drive all the way north and over to the the George Washington Bridge to then make it back to their home in New Jersey. To make things a little more exciting, our host missed a turn getting over to the Bridge and we ended up in Harlem a predominantly African-American area. In a convertible already. I am here to tell the story aren't I. 

     Speaking of that '58 Chevy, one evening while night-clubbing in the Big Apple, our host remembered that the lot where we parked the car was closing at midnight. It was close to 12:30 a.m. We ran to the lot and found a note left by the attendant that said he had left the keys under the floor mat. Basically, anyone walking by could have read the note taped to the little hut on the lot and drove off with the car. A miracle it wasn't stolen!   

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