Tuesday, December 2, 2014


     The last time I really enjoyed Christmas shopping was back in the late 1970's. I will first say that it was until then, a time when there were really no sales prior to Christmas, no Black Friday or Cyber Monday. No apps to compare other stores pricing. 

     A good friend and I, Bob Merritt, one evening just a week or so before Christmas headed out together with just a pocket full of cash. Didn't even use a credit card. We arrived at Younker's  downtown store in Des Moines during a week night after the dinner hour. 

     We were greeted by a couple of lovely young ladies, Santa's Helper's, and it was their job to assist us with our shopping. They just followed us around gathering up items that we had picked out and also helped by making suggestions.

     When we were done, we went to a central area to pay for our items and the night was complete. The next evening, we pulled up in front of the west doors and someone came out to load our car with the gifts all wrapped and with name tags. It was the perfect way for a guy to shop!  Maybe Walmart's should consider a "guys night" for Christmas shopping!

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