Tuesday, December 2, 2014


      The other night I saw a show on T.V. that had a segment about a gang terrorizing passengers on a subway in New York City. Of course it reminded me of a very stressful experience involving a subway.

     It was the late 1960's and my wife, Sandi, at the time were visiting friends who lived just across from New York City in Bergen County, New Jersey. One morning, we ventured out on our own to sight-see  as our friends were working.

     It was mid morning and we were headed uptown to check out museums and do a little shopping. Around 42nd and Broadway, we proceeded to get on a subway. Being our first time, we were both a little afraid as it was somewhat deserted that time of day.  I first got on first  and Sandi followed as we were holding hands. Just as I got on the door closed on our hands. 

     I was in the subway looking out at her and there was nothing I  could do as once the doors closed they did not re-open. I  shouted and motioned to her to get off at the next stop.At the next stop, I got off and waited and waited. Here came the next train. No Sandi! Another one came right after that and she was on it with just one other male rider. 

     The only thing we could determine was another train had came in ahead of hers from Queens or somewhere. Needless to say the rest of the day we never ever let go of each others hands!

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