Thursday, December 18, 2014


      About three years ago, I lost a large collection of old post cards that was given to me by a dear customer of mine while living in Marshalltown, Iowa. I knew where they should have been, but, of course, they weren't. 

     You know what happens next.  You start turning your whole house up- side down. You start looking in places that logically they wouldn't be. It's like when you lose something small, you will look in old coat pockets that you haven't worn in years.

     Keep in mind, I consider myself pretty well organized when it comes to old memorabilia . I am not a hoarder with stuff all over. Most all my special keep-sakes are in plastic tots neatly stacked on one wall in our lower level.

     There lies the problem. The other day, I was looking for something in the boxes of treasures, and there they were. All along I was looking for this small cardboard box of cards that they were originally in. To conserve space, I put them in a large zip-lock bag and forget to tag the outside of it.  They almost came up and jumped in my lap and bit me. How could I have missed them all this time? One of those mysteries solved! 

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