Thursday, December 11, 2014


      Telling a story or two about going to the Val Air and Babe's Restaurant in Des Moines, reminded me of one that my mother enjoyed telling one time or six! This one involved she and a neighbor friend, Phyllis Paul.

     After my dad died in the early 1950's, on occasion friends would invite mom out to go to a movie, maybe dinner or a to a dance. She did love to dance. On this one occasion, she and Phyllis went to Des Moines for a night out. While having dinner this particular evening, a couple of guys came over to their table and introduced themselves. Mom and Phyllis must have had a game plan figured out if this situation arose.

     The girls agreed to meet these "gentleman" at another place known to the ladies. Guess what! They, the girls, never showed up. Then mom would just laugh about that. I would always wonder what they would have done if those guys would have been really cool! Maybe there was a time like that and mom never shared.

     ********I would give anything to have my mother still around to tell me that story for another umpteenth time!*****************

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