Thursday, December 11, 2014


     All the hoopla about the environment and global warming I say "Oh shut up!" We have come a long ways in this country and we should be pleased. "Why in my day!"  Here we go.

     As a personal note, I think about how much we do re-cycle every week at our house. More than half of our stuff is re-cycled. Just at our little grocery store, the amount of cardboard that gets saved and the amount of pop and beer cans alone. Oh My! Gasoline is much cleaner than 50 years ago. I remember the pictures of Los Angeles, those people couldn't breath. 

     When I was kid in the 1950's, I would spend the night with my cousin's in Marshalltown. During a winter snow there, I remember the following day the snow would be covered with black soot because most people burned coal and didn't have cleaner burning natural gas as today.

    Yes, we have come a long way since then But,  just like in the 1950's when we would take stuff to dump down to the "ditch," I wonder what most of the people that live out in the rural areas do with their stuff. Then there are the Chinese just getting started!

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