Friday, December 5, 2014


     While visiting friends in the NYC area back in the late 1960's, new food discoveries were very evident.  Coming from a farm background with primarily meat and potatoes, lots of new eating challenges awaited.

     One of them was when we went to the then famous Rubin's for lunch one day. It evidently was where the Rubin sandwich originated. A sandwich with pretty much everything in it that was new to me was awaiting. Corn beef, dark bread, and  sauerkraut,  were new to me. But, I loved it. 

         My beverage was a Coke in the original small 8 oz. bottle. Remember those?  I also agreed to buy lunch as a good will gesture, as we were staying in our hosts home. The tab for the four of us was around $25.00. I choked a little because in the 60's that was a little heavy for lunch. Oh well! I also bought a pack of cigarettes while there in a vending machine. It was a $1.00. Wow! Oh well! After all, this was the big city. 

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