Thursday, September 21, 2017


      This morning, Thursday 9/21/2017, I met with a young man with Kirkwood Community College of Cedar Rapids. Our meeting was at their satellite location right here in Williamsburg, Iowa. Our subject matter was my teaching a series of classes relative to "Motivating Seniors in Writing Personal and Family Related Short Stories." Hopefully, the Adult Education or Continuing Ed. classes will begin in the Spring Semester of 2018.

       In visiting with the young man, Matt, I mentioned of my recent visit and travels in Colorado. He then mentioned that he had just been there about two months ago and white water rafted down the Arkansas River near Canon, Colorado and the Royal Gorge.

       Amazing! I stuck my hand out to shake his. I completed my top Bucket List Endeavor of White Water Rafting in 2006 on the Arkansas River right under the Royal Gorge. It still remains my biggest recreational thrill bar none!

         I know it is only a "coincidence" that the above happens in our daily lives, but, it did help, I feel, connect the two of us and only hopes it gives me a little edge in my applying for a position on a subject I hold a deep conviction. Hope to see you soon at a classroom in Iowa City, Iowa.     



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