Tuesday, September 26, 2017


      Have you ever had a day when three things(just worked out that way)  you tried to do or accomplish didn't work out or failed? Yesterday was one of those for me. First, I tried to get a simple estimate on replacing a left front blinker fitting that I lost on my trip to Colorado. Our local NAPA dealer couldn't get the part and was informed that only an authorized Chevy dealer could. Oh well, double the price for that.

     Second, I tried to make a copy of one of my stories at the Library and somehow put a big "blank" spot over the story while trying to make the copy. And, the lady at the Library didn't know how I made the error. Later.

      Third, I tried to have the local Drug Store retrieve pictures off my phone of my Colorado trip. The clerk, for some reason, couldn't make things work and recommended coming back later in week when the Manager was back in store.

     Yes, in the big scheme of things none are that important and will eventually get accomplished. Also, on the bright side I went home and last night I watched the Chicago Cubs blow out the St. Louis Cards. There is always an upside! 

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