Tuesday, September 12, 2017


      This past Sunday,910,2017, I traveled to Coralville for my movie fix and a movie I should have never seen--the remake of "IT." I digress! When the movie was over and after sitting there for 2 plus hours, it was time to get up out of my seat and head down the isle of steps.

       This is where it gets tough for me. I know if I try to step too quickly, I would probably drop like a rock. So I very cautiously stand up and lean over to the seat ahead of me for balance and  to prevent me from collapsing. I have to move one slow step at a time for the three or four steps until I reach the main floor. Once there, I start to pick up my pace and am off and running. 

      It just makes me a little angry that I no longer can just jump out of that seat and bounce down that isle! One good thing is that it was dark and probably nobody really saw me or really cared!  

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