Wednesday, September 20, 2017


       Returning home from Colorado, I decided that all I wanted for supper was a little crispy chicken from KFC. I know what you are saying-that food is old fashion and it will kill you!

       Since I decided to drive straight through from southern Colorado to the Burg, I thought it would be pretty simple to find a little of my favorite roasted chicken from decades ago even though the franchise has been disappearing and probably for good reason.. Every exit along the Nebraska trail had every food item known to man except chicken. 

       I even drove into North Platte and drove by a couple of dozen places, but, na-na! There was even one  restaurant on an interstate sign that touted "Taste of India!" I did finally settle on a slice of Casey's pepperoni pizza with a diet coke. Close, but, no cigar! It wasn't until an exit near home and after 2AM that I spotted a KFC sign. Go figure!

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