Sunday, September 3, 2017


        Yes the Hawkeyes won the game over Wyoming, 24-3, and was a little rough in the first half, but, they won. That was only half the fun for me in a very pleasant 2nd day of September. 

         Taking the Hawkeye Express to the game I sat with a couple from Newton, Iowa, who not only knew where Laurel( my home town 20 miles north of Newton, they knew Betty Nichols from Laurel, the organist at the United Methodist Church in Laurel, but, Mr. Richardson also was in the same class as Betty In Kildoff, Iowa.

        I picked up a "scalped" ticket with some luck on the 50 yard line- west side of the stadium. I actually sat by the guy who sold his other ticket to the scalper. His co-ticket holder couldn't make the game due to illness. He was from West DesMoines( whereI lived for over 30 years) and a season ticket holder for over 30 years since his days of graduating from IU.

       The couple that sat on my   right were from Atlanta, Georgia(originally from east of Queens, New York-Nassau County--Long Island) They were there because his wife graduated from Iowa U. and he was quite interesting.

       The third party were Wyoming fans from Casper, Wyoming. He had worked for John Deere in Moline and had the chance to move to Wyoming and took it. I had asked him if he knew where Lusk, Wyoming and the answer was yes and his daughter was visiting there over the week-end. The town and area is significant to me as I was at cousin's ranch as a kid near Lusk and was a very memorable time. It's fun talking to people, learning a little, and knowing this is a small world.


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