Thursday, September 14, 2017


      While assisting a lady out with her groceries at the Burg Grocery, she brought up the subject of her husband "Slick" concerning a local matter. I started to laugh and mentioned to her how it brought up my own memories of, especially guys, and their nick-names. It does seem to be more of a guy thing.

        Some of my favorites and one that was a local guy--Shorty Lyle. You see them all the time even in obituaries--Skinny, Red, Tiny, Curly(we had a Curly Brown) and even Lefty. I'm sure we all have our favorites and had a few in our families or communities.  

       My family really didn't have nicknames nor do I remember any nicknames for the guys in my class at dear old Laurel High. We were just Gary, Jerry, Larry, Jim, Mike, Tracy, and etc.
Girls never had a nickname unless it was something like Daisy, Missy, Sis, or maybe Blondie?

        It would have been fun or not to be around the "Mob" and all their nicknames. It seemed like all those guys had a nickname---Three Fingers, Fats, Lefty, The Boss, or "Scarface!" I still get a smile when I think of that ladies husband---"Slick!" 

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