Thursday, September 21, 2017


       Colorado Fall Tour--Day 2, Sunday 9/17/2017

        Not knowing if I adjusted for Mountain Time I arose around 4AM in Sidney, Nebraska and was ready to head out on day two of my much anticipated tour through beautiful Colorado. It was still pitch black out-side, but, didn't care. It was time to head out.

         Along I-80 through Cheyenne, Wyoming and the short distance to Laramie, Wyoming  only seemed like the Twilight Zone--between dark, early morning twilight and heavy fog with the elevated foothills.  Laramie(elev. 7,000 ft.)  was a very pleasant surprise as a modern day college community with the University of Wyoming. Go Cowboys! 

      Then it was on south on Fed #287 to Colorado state #14 and the very scenic "Cache la Poudre" River running west from near Poudre Park. This is an area that a lady I overheard some time ago told me to check out! When E.F. Hutton speaks I listen. She was OH SO. right and such new beauty that I never had experienced. All this majestic beauty continued on south just east of Steamboat Springs.

      I continued on south through Kremmling on Federal #40 and down to Interstate #70 to drive by old skiing haunts of the 1970's and 1980's---Breckinridge, Copper Mountain, and Vail. So much had changed, but, so many good memories of years gone by. 

      Then it was once again south on Federal #24 to my evening destination of Leadville,Colorado. By the end of my first day, in so many ways of witnessing such beauty--(the Aspen's had turned a brillant yellow--what great timing) I could have gone home and been happy. I didn't know when I settled in to my brand new comfy inn that night with a view of a newly snow dusting of mountain peaks in a panoramic view, my scenic tour of this beautiful state was only beginning!    

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