Tuesday, September 12, 2017


       Over the week-end, I made my first roast of the fall season. I bought my usual rump roast and cooked it in my 12" cast iron skillet. As usual, I browned the meat then with the usual beef broth and put it in the oven at 325' for the 3 hours or so. 

        The difference was I used, in addition to the broth, a small bottle(the size you get on a airline flight) of dark red wine that had been discontinued at the Burg Grocery. When I pulled the roast out of the oven after the allotted time, I was in for a very pleasant surprise. 

      It was a very dark golden brown just like you would see in some ad or commercial. There is something about cooking and have what ever you are making look "Pretty as a picture." Just to carry it one step further I even sliced a few pieces slanted just like they do in an ad or TV. I did savor it a little longer than usual! Yum! 

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