Saturday, September 9, 2017


      This past week, I made an executive decision that wasn't all that difficult. My sister Doris, and I had planned for some time a fall trip up through the Teddy Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota, parts of Montana, then down through Wyoming and Colorado. 

       Due to health issues, Doris will not be comfortable traveling that distance. I had originally thought about just doing "North Dakota" on my own mainly because I have never been in that state, have other travel plans in the future and besides who knows about one's own health at any time.

        Through the years, I have teased my sister about loving the wide open spaces and "nothing-ness"  areas like N. D. and Eastern Wyoming. But, until we two traveled through the Sand Hills of western Nebraska, I too fell in love with the "Wide Ooen Spaces" and sheer beauty of it all.

       Therefore, since I owe credit to Doris for introducing me to a new kind of beauty that I normally "poo-pooed", it would not be right for me to visit North Dakota without my big sister. It will wait for us till next Spring or Summer! 

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