Tuesday, September 26, 2017


        Every morning I head out my door and go for my 25 minute morning power walk in the nearby high school parking lot. Through the years I have been quizzed why I don't do it at our local new indoor Recreation Center with a snazzy oval track. 

        I am also asked how many miles to I walk. My response is always I just keep track of the time and not miles. Most other people walk around on the side-walk system. I am criticized about walking in and around the parking lot for fear of being hit by morning school traffic. 

          The way I look at it is this. I walk laps, as I refer to them, by walking in an area that has little traffic and I just do "laps" back and forth from one end of the lot to the other. Isn't that boring? The important point is this. I am motivated each morning to go out and get my exercise in the manner that gets me going! 

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