Wednesday, September 20, 2017


       I left Williamsburg around 9AM on Saturday,9/16/2017, and headed west on I-80 anxious to tour my favorite state--Colorado. But, before getting ahead of myself, I stopped in Urbandale, Iowa and picked up my old class-mate from Laurel, Jerry Roberts, and made our way up 86th Street for an early lunch. 

        I just knew I couldn't come this close on my journey west without a couple of my favorite original Tasty Taco's! Something told me that I didn't want to chance stopping by returning home. 

        The trip west was pretty uneventful until arriving in the town of Ogallala, Nebraska(I love saying Ogallala) for my evening meal. Having the drive all the way across Nebraska to ponder my decision, I chose a Denny's just off the inter-state because I knew the odds were good that they would have obsession--a BLT.

       After combing the menu for a few seconds, there was no BLT to be found.  When my waitress brought my drink,I asked her if I could get a BLT despite  the fact that it didn't appear on the menu. Her reply was priceless. " Honey, I can make anything come out of that kitchen!" She did and it was delicious. You will never know unless you ask. Right?

        I went from there and ended up staying the first night in Sidney, Nebraska. As usual, most of the major Motor Inn's were clustered near the interstate. Something told me to continue on into town and check things out. There it was on old highway 30--"Sleep for Less." It was the old Pa & Pa 50's 60's style motel just like the Bate's! It had that big bright red neon light that blinked "MOTEL."

       It was a whopping $54.00 a night, but very clean. The bed swayed a little and the toilet was just inches from a wall. Will say no more on that subject. The TV was old, very thick, and mounted on the wall, just left and up on the same side as the head board.  I just moved the pillows to the bottom of the bed and watched away. Despite a very near Union Pacific coal train or two going by, it was a very peaceful evening.  


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