Saturday, September 23, 2017


      When your vacation is winding down here is something not to do! I made the decision to drive straight through to Williamsburg and home. Keep in mind that from Gunnison, Colorado to the Burg is appox. 950 miles and attempting to do it late at night or the wee hours of the AM is just plain nuts, especially when you are one.

        But, with the help of my XM radio and listening to all sorts of stuff to keep me alert and looking for the KFC which eluded me, I did make it by 5AM or so. I will admit that I stopped at a rest stop west of Des Moines somewhere and dozed for an hour. I still do not recommend  this system of traveling anytime.

        Overall, it was an extremely pleasant 2400 mile round trip. And, my little Chevy Cruze performed extremely well with a 33 MPG average @ a cost per gallon at most places between $2.50-$2.65 range! Until next time. Hopefully this coming Spring it will be the "Loneliest Road in America" trip. Stay tuned!

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