Sunday, September 3, 2017


      Last night, Saturday, September 2, 2017, I drove up to Blairstown for their 44th Annual Sauerkraut Days. I have always enjoyed sauerkraut and the thought of going there for  "Kraut" in some way intrigued me.  

       Along with Kraut they were holding a "Demolition Derby" which I can say I had never witnessed, but, vaguely understood the premise. So, the way I went from the "Burg" and arrived at the Grounds just north of Blairsburg about 6PM. 

        The place was hopping and there must have been at least a couple of thousand in attendance. It did seem somewhat odd that none of the concession stands were selling Kraut. The best was "The Pie Lady"  selling home made pie and home made ice-cream. Yum!

        Ahead of me from the stands was a  shallow dirt pit maybe 50 yard square that had been heavily watered down. In came 26 very used cars, and I use the term lightly, of which 13 lined upon one side and another 13 lined up opposite on the other side. 

       At the count of 5 they all started backing up to hit each other and "The Game Begin!" It was like watching Bump Cars at an Amusement Park except for grown-ups and in mud. People were cheering for their favorite home town hero and their was a lot of excitement to behold. The winner was the last man running. And, that was just the first event with more to come later.

       This summer I have seen the Brickyard 400, NASCAR racing at Indianapolis, drag racing at Cordova, Illinois and I was hoping to complete the Tri-Fecta of auto sports new experiences with a new thrill. Not to be the case. It was a real let down and from get go I didn't "Dig It!" I'm still glad I did it, but, only wish I had stopped down town for some "Sauerkraut!" When's the next Monster Truck Rally?

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