Saturday, September 23, 2017


       It was Tuesday, 9/19/2017, and it was time to depart Gunnison, Colorado and head east on Federal #50 making my way along another scenic stretch to Canon, Colorado. First, I had another majestic Pass and Mountain to negotiate--The Monarch--over 11,000 ft. 

       The drive up and over this magnificent Pass was, let's say, tamer than Independence Pass up by Aspen, in that the Fed. 50 was wider, not as many sharp turns--just gentler. The scenic beauty just doesn't seem to end!

       After a brief stop at The Royal Gorge, I decided it was time to head back toward Iowa and call it an end to an amazing three days of Colorado Splendor. And by this time an Interstate seemed welcome after all those twists and turns of the last three days. From Pueblo and going north on Interstate #25, I could view famous Pike's Peak which I had been up and on in years past.

       One city I did go through this trip home and generally have always avoided at all costs was Denver. What growth and what traffic. In some sadistic way I enjoy heavy metro traffic. It's my way of  carrying out my boyhood fantasy of being a race car driver. All enjoyed until a complete bumper to bumper stop near the downtown area of Denver at just 2 PM in the afternoon. And, just a Tuesday!

         Eventually I made my way and connected to I-76 and made my way up to I-80 in northwest Colorado and then heading east and on to Iowa and home. continue-------------------------

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