Friday, September 22, 2017


       Monday morning (9/18/2017 I was greeted after walking out of my lodging in Leadville, Colorado, a most spectacular view. It was a panoramic view, from south to north,  of newly dusted snow peaks with a low lying cloud or fog cover to the north. And all around was bright yellows of the changing Aspens.

        It was time to head out and ascend  Independence Pass between Leadville and Aspen, Colorado. Nearby was Mt. Elbert, the tallest peak in the Rockies at 14,000 plus feet. The couple of times in skiing in Aspen, you could never take this route as it is closed in the winter. 

       I am not going to attempt to describe the winding trip to the 12,000 ft summit, but, all I want to say to anyone is this. If you ever get the chance to take this route on your Colorado trip, you will possibly never see a view of this magnificence anywhere in the lower 48 states! It is not for the fainthearted. Just remember, only take in the view at designated stops or you might be sorry!

        Once down from Independence Pass and through  scenic Aspen, it was off west on State 82 to Carbondale. then south on State 133 another scenic drive-(they never end), and headed to Black Canyon on the Gunnison National Park before the end of the day. 

        I couldn't believe once at the entrance to the North Rim of Black Canyon, that 5-10 miles was a loose gravel? But, thinking that maybe this would be the BIG disappointment of my trip, those thoughts soon vanished. Unlike the Grand Canyon, this beauty is maybe not as deep or wide, but, was very dark rock, very deep and almost scary, especially when standing right on the edge of the observatory spot. It was worth the drive. Oh, Ya!  From there I drove on south and caught Federal #50 and made my way back to Gunnison for the night.   

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