Saturday, September 30, 2017
During the month of October 2017 most of my stories will be focused on people that have had special meaning. I only hope that some of the people you will remember or reminds you of someone special in your life.
The deceased while in his prime was one of the sturdy pioneers that helped settle in this part of the country. He not only came to Renville when land was new and low in price, but was the means of securing many from his former home in Iowa and settle here and this helped in general prosperity that most always follows settlement in a new country.
The funeral was held from the M.E. church Wednesday after-noon the service being conducted by Rev. August Peterson and Rev. Schurman in the German language. The pall-bearers were H.H. Jacobs, R.D. Seitsema, Jos. Habben,John Bruns, B.Freiberg, G. Ross.The interment was in the Fairview cemetery.The sympthy of the community is extended to the sorrowing family in their loss.
It is given to few men to pass through the varied and hard experiences of a long life as it was the subject of this sketch. Born in Germany eighty years ago. When of age as is compulsory in that country, joined the army and served three years. After that was subject to draft when an army was needed. He was with the Prussian army in the war with Denmark in 1864, against Austria in 1866 and again against the French in the Franco-Prussian war of 1870-71. He was the hero of three wars. It is given to few to take so conspicuous a part in defending their their country's honor on the field of battle. Through his power for endurance in the service in the army he was able to stand the hardships , and hard work required to farm.
Friday, September 29, 2017
My sister Doris pulled out the following family obituary this past week and I would like to share it with you. It is about my Grandma Minnie Smith's grandfather--Christian Gummert. It is always interesting to read just the way articles, etc. were written many many years ago. The style of writing was of a "flowery" which has all but disappeared today. If you grew up or lived in the Laurel area this might be of interest to you or if you simply appreciate old local history and a different type of narrative.
Christian Gummert was born August 13, 1834 in Deardorf, Germany and died at Renville ,Minnesota on January 1, 1914 at 9 o'clock in the forenoon. He was united in marriage to Miss Fredereka Treite, in 1855. To this union 10 children were born, six of whom survive. They are William, Minneapolis;Charles, Renville; Fred, SaukCenter; Herman, Renville; Mrs.Wm. Schufft, Renville and Mrs.W. Schultz, of Laurel, Iowa. They came to America in that time he has made his home the fall of 1882 settling in Marshall County, Iowa. From there they came to Emmett in the spring of 1890, settling on his farm east of this city. They came to Renville in 1907 where they resided until his wife and helpmeet passed to the better land on September 29th last. Since that time he has made his home with his son O. F. Gummert and gradually failed until the end came as stated. He was up and around until within three days of his demise, when he took to his bed.
----------------------------------------to be continued
----------------------------------------to be continued
While staying with my sister, Doris, this past week, I noticed there weren't any newspapers around --none! As long as I can remember, she has been taking the Marshalltown Times Republican. Plus most magazines were gone.
When I asked her about it, she indicated that when she was having Back issues it was uncomfortable to sit and read her paper. Her subscription was also running out about that time and thought that she would just read the Times on-line.
I was some-what amazed in that she has always had newspaper about and enjoyed keeping some from time to time to re-read certain articles or stories. On the other-hand I was sort of proud of her that she was getting with it and proving that she could jump into the "Tech" world.
She mentioned that she renew her subscription as she now feels better. It will be interesting to see which way she decides to go. I too, still take the Des Moines Register and have most of my adult life. It's part of my morning ritual and habit. But, it's not like I don't get my fill from news sources like MSNBC, CNN, FOX & FOX BUSINESS. I am a news junkie and am not afraid to admit it. Yes, I do and can get news off the internet, but, I still like opening up that "paper" in the morning!
This past Tuesday, 9/26/2017, I met an old class-mate and good friend, Tony Preston and his wife Jolene at Taylor's Maid-Rite in Marshalltown, Iowa for an "Early Bird" 4PM sandwich and rendezvous. Another class-mate, Jerry Roberts joined in after driving up from his home in Urbandale, Iowa.
Tony and Jolene were up in Iowa,from their home in Prescott,Arizona, visiting relatives at a family re-union in nearby Minnesota. It was good to see Tony again and hope to see Tony again by this coming Spring when I plan on traveling to the western states. It was so good seeing him again!
This past Tuesday, 9/26/2017, I met an old class-mate and good friend, Tony Preston and his wife Jolene at Taylor's Maid-Rite in Marshalltown, Iowa for an "Early Bird" 4PM sandwich and rendezvous. Another class-mate, Jerry Roberts joined in after driving up from his home in Urbandale, Iowa.
Tony and Jolene were up in Iowa,from their home in Prescott,Arizona, visiting relatives at a family re-union in nearby Minnesota. It was good to see Tony again and hope to see Tony again by this coming Spring when I plan on traveling to the western states. It was so good seeing him again!
Yesterday, Thursday 9/28/2017, I stopped in at Taylor's Maid-Rite for my favorite sandwich despite I just was there on Tuesday with out-of-town friends. Before ordering, I noticed that an elderly lady had just received and I assumed a root-beer float.
For some reason it really looked good despite the fact my plan was to only have water as I had my"double shot vanilla malt" the day before yesterday. When the young lady came over to take my order, I told her to bring me a "Diet Pepsi Float" in lieu of the root beer.
I'm not a big fan of a root beer float, but, through the years have made 100's of Diet Coke Floats. In going to Taylor's all my life and since I was a little kid, I have never ordered a float. Once again, it proves that it is never too late to----!
I am not sure where I was yesterday, 9/28/2017, but, I glanced at the car ahead of me and its vanity plate with the Iowa Cyclone colors (red and yellow) and logo. However, the words were UK(University of Kentucky) WILDCTS or something very close. I don't believe I have ever seen that combination to express ones loyalty to different colleges with one license plate. Only in America!
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Every morning I head out my door and go for my 25 minute morning power walk in the nearby high school parking lot. Through the years I have been quizzed why I don't do it at our local new indoor Recreation Center with a snazzy oval track.
I am also asked how many miles to I walk. My response is always I just keep track of the time and not miles. Most other people walk around on the side-walk system. I am criticized about walking in and around the parking lot for fear of being hit by morning school traffic.
The way I look at it is this. I walk laps, as I refer to them, by walking in an area that has little traffic and I just do "laps" back and forth from one end of the lot to the other. Isn't that boring? The important point is this. I am motivated each morning to go out and get my exercise in the manner that gets me going!
Have you ever had a day when three things(just worked out that way) you tried to do or accomplish didn't work out or failed? Yesterday was one of those for me. First, I tried to get a simple estimate on replacing a left front blinker fitting that I lost on my trip to Colorado. Our local NAPA dealer couldn't get the part and was informed that only an authorized Chevy dealer could. Oh well, double the price for that.
Second, I tried to make a copy of one of my stories at the Library and somehow put a big "blank" spot over the story while trying to make the copy. And, the lady at the Library didn't know how I made the error. Later.
Third, I tried to have the local Drug Store retrieve pictures off my phone of my Colorado trip. The clerk, for some reason, couldn't make things work and recommended coming back later in week when the Manager was back in store.
Yes, in the big scheme of things none are that important and will eventually get accomplished. Also, on the bright side I went home and last night I watched the Chicago Cubs blow out the St. Louis Cards. There is always an upside!
This past Sunday A.M., I visited my favorite nearby movie theater in Corallville, Iowa for my weekly cinema fix. First, I should have stayed home or picked any other movie showing. Anythging else showing would have been 100% better than the one I watched---"Mother!" Don't even ask why. I thought I caught a good review, but, obviously it was in a dream.
This movie movie has to be logged in on my top ten worst list. Second, and it must have told me something was there was not one other person in the theater with me at this 10AM showing. It would have been nice to at least had one other person to share this despicable two hour experience!
After watching a news show this past week-end, I was amused by catching the interview of CEO of Quatar Airlines. His name ---Akbar Al Baker. Yes,you heard me right. I just found it funny that with all these long Muslim/Arab names one would be as simple as Akbar AL BAKER! Oh well. I found a little humor in it!
Monday, September 25, 2017
After my last night in Gunnerson, Colorado, I pretty much gave up on my original idea of rounding out my Colorado Tour by heading to the Golden area and driving back through the Rocky Mountain National Park up through Federal #34 and then on to Estes Park and home.
That last morning of Tuesday, 9/19/2017, I knew all I wanted to do was head home`. It was like I had actually over dosed on too much beauty and scenery. Three days of constant travel and having all that beauty coming at me mile after mile`and hour after hour--never stopping.
Starting with new territory like` the Laramie, Wyoming area, Poudre River tour, Independence Pass, Monarch Pass, changing of Aspens, rolling mountain streams, and Black Canyon, it was about all I could absorb for one trip. It was time to head back to my home state of Iowa and those rolling corn fields!
Saturday, September 23, 2017
When your vacation is winding down here is something not to do! I made the decision to drive straight through to Williamsburg and home. Keep in mind that from Gunnison, Colorado to the Burg is appox. 950 miles and attempting to do it late at night or the wee hours of the AM is just plain nuts, especially when you are one.
But, with the help of my XM radio and listening to all sorts of stuff to keep me alert and looking for the KFC which eluded me, I did make it by 5AM or so. I will admit that I stopped at a rest stop west of Des Moines somewhere and dozed for an hour. I still do not recommend this system of traveling anytime.
Overall, it was an extremely pleasant 2400 mile round trip. And, my little Chevy Cruze performed extremely well with a 33 MPG average @ a cost per gallon at most places between $2.50-$2.65 range! Until next time. Hopefully this coming Spring it will be the "Loneliest Road in America" trip. Stay tuned!
It was Tuesday, 9/19/2017, and it was time to depart Gunnison, Colorado and head east on Federal #50 making my way along another scenic stretch to Canon, Colorado. First, I had another majestic Pass and Mountain to negotiate--The Monarch--over 11,000 ft.
The drive up and over this magnificent Pass was, let's say, tamer than Independence Pass up by Aspen, in that the Fed. 50 was wider, not as many sharp turns--just gentler. The scenic beauty just doesn't seem to end!
After a brief stop at The Royal Gorge, I decided it was time to head back toward Iowa and call it an end to an amazing three days of Colorado Splendor. And by this time an Interstate seemed welcome after all those twists and turns of the last three days. From Pueblo and going north on Interstate #25, I could view famous Pike's Peak which I had been up and on in years past.
One city I did go through this trip home and generally have always avoided at all costs was Denver. What growth and what traffic. In some sadistic way I enjoy heavy metro traffic. It's my way of carrying out my boyhood fantasy of being a race car driver. All enjoyed until a complete bumper to bumper stop near the downtown area of Denver at just 2 PM in the afternoon. And, just a Tuesday!
Eventually I made my way and connected to I-76 and made my way up to I-80 in northwest Colorado and then heading east and on to Iowa and home. continue-------------------------
Friday, September 22, 2017
Listening to the Chantix commercials as a method to quit smoking I get a kick out of one of the side effects that they claim. They claim that there is the chance of "a change in thinking!" What does that mean? You will be converting to becoming a Himalayan Monk, or deciding overnight to become a Bernie Sanders backer instead of a conservative Breitbart Groupie! You may want to continue to puff away!
Monday morning (9/18/2017 I was greeted after walking out of my lodging in Leadville, Colorado, a most spectacular view. It was a panoramic view, from south to north, of newly dusted snow peaks with a low lying cloud or fog cover to the north. And all around was bright yellows of the changing Aspens.
It was time to head out and ascend Independence Pass between Leadville and Aspen, Colorado. Nearby was Mt. Elbert, the tallest peak in the Rockies at 14,000 plus feet. The couple of times in skiing in Aspen, you could never take this route as it is closed in the winter.
I am not going to attempt to describe the winding trip to the 12,000 ft summit, but, all I want to say to anyone is this. If you ever get the chance to take this route on your Colorado trip, you will possibly never see a view of this magnificence anywhere in the lower 48 states! It is not for the fainthearted. Just remember, only take in the view at designated stops or you might be sorry!
Once down from Independence Pass and through scenic Aspen, it was off west on State 82 to Carbondale. then south on State 133 another scenic drive-(they never end), and headed to Black Canyon on the Gunnison National Park before the end of the day.
I couldn't believe once at the entrance to the North Rim of Black Canyon, that 5-10 miles was a loose gravel? But, thinking that maybe this would be the BIG disappointment of my trip, those thoughts soon vanished. Unlike the Grand Canyon, this beauty is maybe not as deep or wide, but, was very dark rock, very deep and almost scary, especially when standing right on the edge of the observatory spot. It was worth the drive. Oh, Ya! From there I drove on south and caught Federal #50 and made my way back to Gunnison for the night.
Due to extremely slow service at a Perkins in Laramie, Wyoming earlier the morning of 9/17/2017, I decided to just head south along Fed. #287 and maybe find somewhere to find a mid-morning breakfast or early lunch. Bingo! It was waiting for me.
North of the Poudre River route I was seeking and just near the small town of Livermore was a quaint place called The Forks 287. It was a two story building with dining on the second level. The dining area was all done in natural knotty pine with lots of the usual western decor.
I was attracted right to the open bar with this beautiful view of distant mountains and foothills. Another plus was greeted greeted by this very pleasant and attractive young lady bartender to take my order. I had spotted a plate with this big yummy pancake on it. So, I just said without glancing at the menu, bring a single pancake, a couple slices of bacon, and some scrabbled eggs.
Sometimes, we can research and research and never find that "special" dining spot. Sometimes, if we are patient and with a little luck, it just comes our way. The little things!
On the last leg of my Colorado trip was heading back east along Federal #50 and going by the Royal Gorge. I have been to this tourist attraction as the highest suspension bridge in Colorado two or three times in my life and the 1,000 ft. bridge is something to behold.
In 2006, I completed my top Bucket List adventure by white watering down the Arkansas River beneath this American Treasure. When finally arriving there I just assumed and/or had forgotten that it cost $23.00 to just walk across the wood bridge or take the Gondola across which I had done a few years ago.
It just wasn't in me at that point to spend the money to see again what I had already experienced before. Besides, taking in the Black Canyon on the Gunnison the day before, fulfilled my deep, narrow, dark, and scary thrill for the trip. And, it didn't cost me a dime as it is a National Park and I do possess the lifetime National Park Pass.
One of my goals or bright ideas when traveling to Colorado this past week was to enjoy a blue chip breakfast or evening meal when reaching the town of Aspen. I had visions of locating this fine dining spot with a terrific view of the mountains possibly and enjoying a superb Eggs Benedict or Pan Fried Trout.
After arriving at this thriving and upscale ski resort area, my brilliant idea soon faded. In all the hustle and bustle of this village, it became apparent I didn't have a clue where to begin. So, even if I found a place at the recommendation of someone and it turned out OK, but, at some absorbent price then what?
I did find a couple of "fun" places along the way on my journey, but, a little more liking to my Senior budget and without all the Pomp! Yes, there was a time when traveling, I would have sniffed out that somewhat upscale dining place, but, that comfort food eatery sounded more my speed on this trip. Bye Bye Aspen! It was nice reminiscing.
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Colorado Fall Tour--Day 2, Sunday 9/17/2017
Not knowing if I adjusted for Mountain Time I arose around 4AM in Sidney, Nebraska and was ready to head out on day two of my much anticipated tour through beautiful Colorado. It was still pitch black out-side, but, didn't care. It was time to head out.
Along I-80 through Cheyenne, Wyoming and the short distance to Laramie, Wyoming only seemed like the Twilight Zone--between dark, early morning twilight and heavy fog with the elevated foothills. Laramie(elev. 7,000 ft.) was a very pleasant surprise as a modern day college community with the University of Wyoming. Go Cowboys!
Then it was on south on Fed #287 to Colorado state #14 and the very scenic "Cache la Poudre" River running west from near Poudre Park. This is an area that a lady I overheard some time ago told me to check out! When E.F. Hutton speaks I listen. She was OH SO. right and such new beauty that I never had experienced. All this majestic beauty continued on south just east of Steamboat Springs.
I continued on south through Kremmling on Federal #40 and down to Interstate #70 to drive by old skiing haunts of the 1970's and 1980's---Breckinridge, Copper Mountain, and Vail. So much had changed, but, so many good memories of years gone by.
Then it was once again south on Federal #24 to my evening destination of Leadville,Colorado. By the end of my first day, in so many ways of witnessing such beauty--(the Aspen's had turned a brillant yellow--what great timing) I could have gone home and been happy. I didn't know when I settled in to my brand new comfy inn that night with a view of a newly snow dusting of mountain peaks in a panoramic view, my scenic tour of this beautiful state was only beginning!
This morning, Thursday 9/21/2017, I met with a young man with Kirkwood Community College of Cedar Rapids. Our meeting was at their satellite location right here in Williamsburg, Iowa. Our subject matter was my teaching a series of classes relative to "Motivating Seniors in Writing Personal and Family Related Short Stories." Hopefully, the Adult Education or Continuing Ed. classes will begin in the Spring Semester of 2018.
In visiting with the young man, Matt, I mentioned of my recent visit and travels in Colorado. He then mentioned that he had just been there about two months ago and white water rafted down the Arkansas River near Canon, Colorado and the Royal Gorge.
Amazing! I stuck my hand out to shake his. I completed my top Bucket List Endeavor of White Water Rafting in 2006 on the Arkansas River right under the Royal Gorge. It still remains my biggest recreational thrill bar none!
I know it is only a "coincidence" that the above happens in our daily lives, but, it did help, I feel, connect the two of us and only hopes it gives me a little edge in my applying for a position on a subject I hold a deep conviction. Hope to see you soon at a classroom in Iowa City, Iowa.
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Returning home from Colorado, I decided that all I wanted for supper was a little crispy chicken from KFC. I know what you are saying-that food is old fashion and it will kill you!
Since I decided to drive straight through from southern Colorado to the Burg, I thought it would be pretty simple to find a little of my favorite roasted chicken from decades ago even though the franchise has been disappearing and probably for good reason.. Every exit along the Nebraska trail had every food item known to man except chicken.
I even drove into North Platte and drove by a couple of dozen places, but, na-na! There was even one restaurant on an interstate sign that touted "Taste of India!" I did finally settle on a slice of Casey's pepperoni pizza with a diet coke. Close, but, no cigar! It wasn't until an exit near home and after 2AM that I spotted a KFC sign. Go figure!
I left Williamsburg around 9AM on Saturday,9/16/2017, and headed west on I-80 anxious to tour my favorite state--Colorado. But, before getting ahead of myself, I stopped in Urbandale, Iowa and picked up my old class-mate from Laurel, Jerry Roberts, and made our way up 86th Street for an early lunch.
I just knew I couldn't come this close on my journey west without a couple of my favorite original Tasty Taco's! Something told me that I didn't want to chance stopping by returning home.
The trip west was pretty uneventful until arriving in the town of Ogallala, Nebraska(I love saying Ogallala) for my evening meal. Having the drive all the way across Nebraska to ponder my decision, I chose a Denny's just off the inter-state because I knew the odds were good that they would have obsession--a BLT.
After combing the menu for a few seconds, there was no BLT to be found. When my waitress brought my drink,I asked her if I could get a BLT despite the fact that it didn't appear on the menu. Her reply was priceless. " Honey, I can make anything come out of that kitchen!" She did and it was delicious. You will never know unless you ask. Right?
I went from there and ended up staying the first night in Sidney, Nebraska. As usual, most of the major Motor Inn's were clustered near the interstate. Something told me to continue on into town and check things out. There it was on old highway 30--"Sleep for Less." It was the old Pa & Pa 50's 60's style motel just like the Bate's! It had that big bright red neon light that blinked "MOTEL."
It was a whopping $54.00 a night, but very clean. The bed swayed a little and the toilet was just inches from a wall. Will say no more on that subject. The TV was old, very thick, and mounted on the wall, just left and up on the same side as the head board. I just moved the pillows to the bottom of the bed and watched away. Despite a very near Union Pacific coal train or two going by, it was a very peaceful evening.
Friday, September 15, 2017
There is no doubt about the fact that I love to travel. I have always thought it would have been cool if I would amassed a fortune large enough to purchase one of those big motor home rigs you see heading down the interstate and pulling the really cool car behind!
But, last year I did windows for a local customer near Williamsburg, Iowa who from all accounts had amassed at least a small fortune. His response, when asked about their traveling and if they did it in a big ol' motor home was a responsive NO!
His logic was that when traveling and being "retired" they would just get up and go when the calling came. His first remark was--"You know how much those rigs cost"? "Besides, you can stay at a lot of motels before you could pay for one of those things!"
At least it made me feel better about not being able to afford "a rig!" Besides, when traveling, part of the traveling pleasure is eating out and looking for those special eateries in various locals. And, I don't mean Denny's or Mickey D's!
All through most of my life I have corrected people who have addressed me as Denny. Just never cared for it much like my younger sister Deborah with Debby. The other day a regular customer at the Burg Grocery who I find very colorful and interesting calls me Denny. A fellow employee overheard that and started to tease me about it somewhat.
At this stage in life and under the circumstances I don't feel it is necessary to say anything. I had one classmate at Laurel that got away with calling me Denny, but, she was also a shoestring relative and I guess I just let her get away with it. Ya!Ya! As long as you call me to lunch, right?
A joke that I overheard at the Burg Grocery went like this---"I went to the doctor the other day and found out I have a constipated brain. I just don't give a sh-t!"
Thursday, September 14, 2017
While assisting a lady out with her groceries at the Burg Grocery, she brought up the subject of her husband "Slick" concerning a local matter. I started to laugh and mentioned to her how it brought up my own memories of, especially guys, and their nick-names. It does seem to be more of a guy thing.
Some of my favorites and one that was a local guy--Shorty Lyle. You see them all the time even in obituaries--Skinny, Red, Tiny, Curly(we had a Curly Brown) and even Lefty. I'm sure we all have our favorites and had a few in our families or communities.
My family really didn't have nicknames nor do I remember any nicknames for the guys in my class at dear old Laurel High. We were just Gary, Jerry, Larry, Jim, Mike, Tracy, and etc.
Girls never had a nickname unless it was something like Daisy, Missy, Sis, or maybe Blondie?
It would have been fun or not to be around the "Mob" and all their nicknames. It seemed like all those guys had a nickname---Three Fingers, Fats, Lefty, The Boss, or "Scarface!" I still get a smile when I think of that ladies husband---"Slick!"
Someone brought up "The Most Wanted List" in reference to I'm not sure at this point. But, one thing is true today. Like many many years ago, you could see the Most Wanted List posted at any Post Office around the country.
I know our small Post Office here in Williamsburg, Iowa does not post such a list. From research I think with all the financial issues facing the US Post Office, it just doesn't make sense any longer. But, there still a Most Wanted List if you are interested.
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
The other day as I was listening to this old Disco hit during the mid 1970's by the Bee Gee's, it took me back to that special time. I was recovering from and a devastating divorce and had bought a new home at 1806 Rio Valley Drive in Clive, Iowa with a good friend, Bob Merritt.
We had just moved in around the fall of 1976 and Bob was out of town on this particular week-end and I had the house all to myself. I had also just bought a new stereo system for my bedroom complete with huge speakers. With the system I bought a bunch of albums with all my favorite groups and hits.
I walked outside and walked near the adjoining home's lot line to determine if my stereo could be heard with the volume turned up full blast. Nope! I went back in and stretched out on my bed and listened to all my favorite tunes including all those great hits from the Bee Gee's/ The Ultimate--STAYIN ALIVE!
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Over the week-end, I made my first roast of the fall season. I bought my usual rump roast and cooked it in my 12" cast iron skillet. As usual, I browned the meat then with the usual beef broth and put it in the oven at 325' for the 3 hours or so.
The difference was I used, in addition to the broth, a small bottle(the size you get on a airline flight) of dark red wine that had been discontinued at the Burg Grocery. When I pulled the roast out of the oven after the allotted time, I was in for a very pleasant surprise.
It was a very dark golden brown just like you would see in some ad or commercial. There is something about cooking and have what ever you are making look "Pretty as a picture." Just to carry it one step further I even sliced a few pieces slanted just like they do in an ad or TV. I did savor it a little longer than usual! Yum!
This past Sunday,910,2017, I traveled to Coralville for my movie fix and a movie I should have never seen--the remake of "IT." I digress! When the movie was over and after sitting there for 2 plus hours, it was time to get up out of my seat and head down the isle of steps.
This is where it gets tough for me. I know if I try to step too quickly, I would probably drop like a rock. So I very cautiously stand up and lean over to the seat ahead of me for balance and to prevent me from collapsing. I have to move one slow step at a time for the three or four steps until I reach the main floor. Once there, I start to pick up my pace and am off and running.
It just makes me a little angry that I no longer can just jump out of that seat and bounce down that isle! One good thing is that it was dark and probably nobody really saw me or really cared!
This is where it gets tough for me. I know if I try to step too quickly, I would probably drop like a rock. So I very cautiously stand up and lean over to the seat ahead of me for balance and to prevent me from collapsing. I have to move one slow step at a time for the three or four steps until I reach the main floor. Once there, I start to pick up my pace and am off and running.
It just makes me a little angry that I no longer can just jump out of that seat and bounce down that isle! One good thing is that it was dark and probably nobody really saw me or really cared!
Saturday, September 9, 2017
This past week, I made an executive decision that wasn't all that difficult. My sister Doris, and I had planned for some time a fall trip up through the Teddy Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota, parts of Montana, then down through Wyoming and Colorado.
Due to health issues, Doris will not be comfortable traveling that distance. I had originally thought about just doing "North Dakota" on my own mainly because I have never been in that state, have other travel plans in the future and besides who knows about one's own health at any time.
Through the years, I have teased my sister about loving the wide open spaces and "nothing-ness" areas like N. D. and Eastern Wyoming. But, until we two traveled through the Sand Hills of western Nebraska, I too fell in love with the "Wide Ooen Spaces" and sheer beauty of it all.
Therefore, since I owe credit to Doris for introducing me to a new kind of beauty that I normally "poo-pooed", it would not be right for me to visit North Dakota without my big sister. It will wait for us till next Spring or Summer!
A fellow at the Burg Grocery was talking about the fact that he couldn't sleep the night before so he just got up and made a cup of coffee. I guess he didn't really want to go back to sleep!
I mentioned that I go to bed with the show on cable HLN called Forensic Files. Most of the show is just narrative and you can listen to it just like if it was radio. To me the commentator's voice is so soothing. Good night Dennis!
Another pair that would put me right to sleep would be hearing the voice of Bob Ross, the fellow that was on Saturday afternoon TV with his painting landscape show. Another would be, of course, the children's show, Mr. Rogers. "Hello boys and girls!" The above trio could and have put me right to sleep on many occasion. Who needs those CD's of ocean waves or forest sounds!
This past week I drove to nearby Victor to clean windows for a sweet lady named Alice. You could tell from her home that she kept it up extremely well for her 87 years. At some point in our early on conversation, she asked me my age. I just replied that she should give it her best shot with an answer. She guessed me at 66! Talk about making my day! After I told her my actual age, I mentioned that if I knew her better I would have given her a big kiss and a hug! The little things in life!
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
This past Sunday, 9/3/2017, I drove to Urbandale and met up with Laurel classmate and close friend Jerry Roberts. We headed down to Jesse's Embers, a long time restaurant fixture on Ingersoll Ave in Des Moines for their annual "Customer Appreciation Event."
After enjoying a local band playing some 70's oldie tunes, we headed out to West Des Moines and the Jordan Creek Town Center for their Sunday night musical performances around the small lake adjacent to the shopping area. It was a very pleasant evening and again the band was right down my alley with 1970 & 80's music.
At some point I suggested to Jerry that I would treat him to a dessert at the nearby Cheesecake Factory. To my disappointment, it was packed and a fairly long waiting list. I don't have the patience for that nonsense at my age and suggested moving on.
We ended up pulling in to the Village Inn on University, close to 22nd Street in WDM where the crowd was pleasantly light. After splitting a Rubin sandwich, it was time to decide on dessert. They have, as most know, a very extensive pie selection. After looking them all over and much discussion, it came down to my same choice as I always make---Cherry with one, not two, scoop.
Years ago when I lived in WDM, 1980's & early 90's, I would stop at this same location for an evening coffee and pie. I went through the same ritual every time. Study and study that pie menu only to finally decide on a slice of cherry with TWO scoops of vanilla ice-cream. Some things don't change!
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
I haven't pulled the "old check Switcheroo trick" for maybe a couple of decades. Like most people I make out checks to various creditors the first of the month. And, there a few that I do now pay online, etc.
Also, I am very systematic when it comes to bill paying, but, this time I just flat out messed up. I finally got a hold of an "actual- live" person and discussed what I had done. I did put some of the guilt on JC Penney as they cashed a check that was not made out to them, but, in this case, Mediacom.
I made sure when I actually got a hold of an actual person that I made it very clear to not transfer me to a "specialist" and not any situation where I get another automated voice, etc. Hopefully I will get a check back from JC Penney in some amount--who knows! The good news is that if I don't do this again for a few decades, I won't be around anyway!
Sunday, September 3, 2017
Yes the Hawkeyes won the game over Wyoming, 24-3, and was a little rough in the first half, but, they won. That was only half the fun for me in a very pleasant 2nd day of September.
Taking the Hawkeye Express to the game I sat with a couple from Newton, Iowa, who not only knew where Laurel( my home town 20 miles north of Newton, they knew Betty Nichols from Laurel, the organist at the United Methodist Church in Laurel, but, Mr. Richardson also was in the same class as Betty In Kildoff, Iowa.
I picked up a "scalped" ticket with some luck on the 50 yard line- west side of the stadium. I actually sat by the guy who sold his other ticket to the scalper. His co-ticket holder couldn't make the game due to illness. He was from West DesMoines( whereI lived for over 30 years) and a season ticket holder for over 30 years since his days of graduating from IU.
The couple that sat on my right were from Atlanta, Georgia(originally from east of Queens, New York-Nassau County--Long Island) They were there because his wife graduated from Iowa U. and he was quite interesting.
The third party were Wyoming fans from Casper, Wyoming. He had worked for John Deere in Moline and had the chance to move to Wyoming and took it. I had asked him if he knew where Lusk, Wyoming and the answer was yes and his daughter was visiting there over the week-end. The town and area is significant to me as I was at cousin's ranch as a kid near Lusk and was a very memorable time. It's fun talking to people, learning a little, and knowing this is a small world.
Last night, Saturday, September 2, 2017, I drove up to Blairstown for their 44th Annual Sauerkraut Days. I have always enjoyed sauerkraut and the thought of going there for "Kraut" in some way intrigued me.
Along with Kraut they were holding a "Demolition Derby" which I can say I had never witnessed, but, vaguely understood the premise. So, the way I went from the "Burg" and arrived at the Grounds just north of Blairsburg about 6PM.
The place was hopping and there must have been at least a couple of thousand in attendance. It did seem somewhat odd that none of the concession stands were selling Kraut. The best was "The Pie Lady" selling home made pie and home made ice-cream. Yum!
Ahead of me from the stands was a shallow dirt pit maybe 50 yard square that had been heavily watered down. In came 26 very used cars, and I use the term lightly, of which 13 lined upon one side and another 13 lined up opposite on the other side.
At the count of 5 they all started backing up to hit each other and "The Game Begin!" It was like watching Bump Cars at an Amusement Park except for grown-ups and in mud. People were cheering for their favorite home town hero and their was a lot of excitement to behold. The winner was the last man running. And, that was just the first event with more to come later.
This summer I have seen the Brickyard 400, NASCAR racing at Indianapolis, drag racing at Cordova, Illinois and I was hoping to complete the Tri-Fecta of auto sports new experiences with a new thrill. Not to be the case. It was a real let down and from get go I didn't "Dig It!" I'm still glad I did it, but, only wish I had stopped down town for some "Sauerkraut!" When's the next Monster Truck Rally?
Friday, September 1, 2017
The little old lady and man were getting into bed and she asked if he would hold her hand like he used to. He turned over and did. Then she asked if he would turn over and hug her like he used to. He did. The, she asked if he would nibble on her ear like he used to. He got up and was walking when she asked--"Where are you going?" "I'm going into the bathroom to get my teeth!"
A fellow was in the Burg Grocery this past week and told me a story about Babe Bisignano who had a restaurant that was legendary in downtown Des Moines(6th & Grand) for many years through the` 1940's up through 1991.
The story goes that a young Black player by the name of Milt Jackson had been recruited by Notre Dame who Babe was a big supporter of at the time. The school asked for Babe's help in giving the young football player a job at his restaurant during the summer. The story goes and supposedly from the Babe himself was that Milt Jackson asked Babe not to tell his folks that he stayed in the house of an Italian!
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