Sunday, October 16, 2016


        Years ago when I established my residential cleaning business in Marshalltown, I felt that I had to make everyone happy because of such a small community. If I didn't try to make all my customers happy, then it would get around and I would go out of business. Well, I didn't make everyone happy all the time and I didn't go out of business. Actually it grew substantially over time.

        If you make everyone happy all the time, this would include your husband or significant, then maybe you have no mind of your own. I was up to Taylor's Maid-Rite this past week and my sandwich just was not up to par. There has been times through the years when my Maid-Rite was not the best, but, overall I still go back and look forward to my next one. 

       At the Burg Grocery, I do my best each day to be courteous to all the customers with a "Good Morning" and to fellow employees. If while helping out a customer and am engaged in a little conversation, I try to leave them with a smile, chuckle, or laughter.

       But, a few weeks ago it didn't work. One local gentleman that I helped out mentioned how "dry" it was. I replied that "he must not be from around here" as it had been one of those periods with lots of rain. About an hour later he came back to the store and confronted me. He was upset that I had made fun of him with my remark and proceeded to lecture me about being in public service, etc. 

      I apologized and informed that I had no intention of showing any dis-respect and that was just my sense of humor and that some people didn't get my ways. It was my first time in five years of working at Burg Grocery that a customer expressed displeasure directly back to me. Again, you can't make all the people happy, but, I guess we have to keep trying! 

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