Sunday, October 30, 2016


        I was never sure why we called the "Cave." It was located no more than 25 feet or so from the west side of our house on the farm where I grew up southeast of Laurel, Iowa. The story always was that at one time there had been a house situated at this location and at some point in time moved to Laurel. 

       The basement then was capped in a rounded form with a wood slanted utility door and steps descending down into the "cave." There was also an open hole on the top, I presume for venting, and a basement window like open area on the east side.

        Growing up, from time to time I would carry dirt and slowly attempt to cover the top and allow grass to grow. I never knew a time where, my parents used it for storage of any kind ie: for fruits or vegetables. Mainly, it was use`d during my younger years a place to play. It was my hide-out, head-quarters, whatever I wanted it to be. Maybe there just wasn't any other name to give it but the "Cave."


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