Friday, October 14, 2016


       A lady at the Burg Grocery was having difficulty deciding what to get for some grand-kids who were visiting. There were so many things that they didn't like. Sound familiar?

       It reminded me of the time I took my youngest grandson, Grant Laverty, to Haley's Deli at the time to get some, in my estimation, the best chicken in Marshalltown. When we were ready to decide what we wanted as we looked down at the glass enclosure, I told Grant to pick out what kind of chicken he wanted. His reply was that that was not chicken. 

      After a bit of arguing and threatening to not go swimming, he did pick out something very reluctantly. What he thought of chicken was something like "chicken fingers" from the likes of Mickey D's. Times are different. When I was a kid I guess we ate was in front of us and were happy. We didn't have all these other choices available or everything flashed in front of kids on TV.

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