Monday, October 10, 2016


      Leaving Williamsburg around 7:30 AM on Tuesday October 4th, I had made it to just north of Kansas City around noon time and of course was getting a little hungry. When traveling anything goes. It's a matter of what sounds good at the moment. However, before starting out I had eaten just a raspberry turnover from Casey's that I have on an occasion. 

       When traveling, I always seem to crave breakfast type meals. Today was no exception. Somewhere around Liberty I spotted an I HOP sign at the next exit and that was all it took.
It was somewhat difficult to find, but, once there headed in and waited for the hostess. The bad sign was that I was only one of a few customers in the place. It was noon and I had a bad feeling. Most I HOP places I had been in are usually packed.

       The hostess actually took my order and after a fairly long wait a waitress brought my order and handed to me and quickly left. She also was barely audible. She was never to be seen again. The food was average and that was end of the story. It could only go uphill from here and it did! 


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