Sunday, October 9, 2016


       Friday afternoon, September 30th, 2016, my cousin, Dianne Davis, arrived here to accompany me to Chicago for my niece's wedding. That evening I had made reservations at the Ox Yoke Inn in Amana, Iowa. We enjoyed a superb meal including Wiener Schnitzel. One thing I had forgotten about was the kick-off to Octoberfest. The whole town was decorated in a very festive way along with a large throng of people.

        The General Store right across from the Ox Yoke was our destination after dinner. This place has everything imaginable relative to Amana and German heritage. Over the intercom there was playing very up-beat Polka music. I never really cared for Polka music when growing up. I always thought it was a little corny and my R&R was a lot cooler.

       Not on this occasion. I was really getting in to this music on this night. My intentions was to purchase a CD of polka music and buying those polka men's shorts and suspenders, before heading on my drive to Arkansas and the Talimena Scenic Byway. I'm not ready, however, to start watching Lawrence Welk re-runs!

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