Friday, October 14, 2016


       When I was on my way back to Iowa from my over-nite visit with my old classmate Tracy Miiller and his wife Glenda, I called Jerry Roberts to let him know I had something to bring him from Tracy. It was an old photo of the Laurel basketball team during our junior year of 1960-61.

       At first I told Jerry I would just drop it off and quickly be on my way as I still had to drive to Williamsburg from Jerry's home in Urbandale. He called me back and told me if I would let him know when I was getting close to Des Moines, he would go get some Tasty Taco's for us to eat when I arrived. He knows that's my favorite food item, bar none, from the days when I lived in Des Moines. How could I turn down such an offer. That's a friend!!

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