Sunday, October 9, 2016


     Tuesday morning, October 4th, 2016, I headed out from Williamsburg and on my way to the Quachita National Forest in western Arkansas and the Talimena Scenic Byway. My first night I arrived and stayed in Fort Smith, Arkansas. As I was really tired from the long drive and especially going through the Bella Vista and Fayetville stretch, I didn't feel like spending much time looking for lodging.

       Getting  off the main exit in Fort Smith I stopped at the very first motel on my side of the street. It was a Motel 6 and I almost passed because they don't have the best  of reputations. After looking at the room first, I was really impressed. It had been totally remodeled through-out, very clean,  and was on the first floor right by the office. The base price was only $45.00. Never in my adult travels, at least in the last 3 decades, have I ever stayed in a motel that cheap. 

       How times have changed. I do remember back in the late 1970's staying at a Holiday Inn in Denver, Colorado when I paid $50 for a room with my kids while on our way west for snow skiing. At the time I thought that was outrageous. Off season traveling has its perks! 


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