Sunday, October 9, 2016


      Wednesday morning, October 5th, I was driving through Mansfield, Arkansas, just on the edge of the Quachita National Forest and Blue Quachita Mountains. As I was heading down the main street,g  I spotted a sign that read--"JOYCE'S DINER!" There were lots of cars out front and I knew this was the place for breakfast. I walked in and it appeared to be occupied by mostly locals. 

       One older gentleman acknowledged me and made a reference to my Iowa plates. His name was Ed Jones and I'm sure he had been there for a while and maybe on his third or fourth cup of coffee. I told him where I was headed and mentioned the last leg of my trip included stopping in Grove, Oklahoma and visiting an old classmate.

       To my surprise,he indicated that he grew up in Grove and the family farm was eliminated when they erected Grand Lake  near Grove. Plus, somehow we talked about North Dakota which I hope to travel to next spring. He had relatives in western North Dakota and goes up there about twice a year. It really is a small world and full of lots of interesting people! Oh! By the way-the breakfast was as advertised!

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