Friday, October 14, 2016


      Back in the 1980's, there was a guy, named Louie S., who operated a book making operation, poker games, and other illegal activities. He was renting a home at the time right on the southwest corner of Ashworth and 35th street in West Des Moines. The Police Station was just across the street on the northwest corner. Activities went on there for over a year or two and everyone in WDM knew about it but the cops. 

      A friend of mine even tried to live there while going through a divorce. He indicated it was just "too noisy!" The cops finally busted the operation and he went away to some federal penitentiary in Minnesota. I will never forget that before they nailed him he was able to stash his Corvette with a lady who owned a town-home just two doors from me in WDM. It did create a little excitement for a time!


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