Saturday, October 15, 2016


       On the last leg on my scenic journey into Arkansas and Oklahoma, I headed north from Talihina, Oklahoma on the edge of the Quachita National Forest. My destination that Wednesday, (10/5/2016) would be to Tracy and Glenda Miiller in Grove, Oklahoma. 

       The drive was a little tricky in that there was no one highway to take me straight there. And, you can criticize me for not having GPS in any manner. Anyway, somewhere I got off my route and the next thing I knew I saw a sign welcoming me to Missouri. It is only a few miles to Grove from Missouri but still. I finally arrived and thankfully Glenda met me at a convenience store and led me to their home.  

       It was a good thing as their home is on Grand Lake and we did a lot of jigging and jagging to get there. It was worth the detours on my part. Their home is absolutely beautiful and with a spectacular view of the lake. Tracy prepared a rack of outstanding smoked ribs and Glenda prepared some green fried tomatoes a southern specialty. I don't believe it was necessarily on my account, but, Amana potato salad was also had. 

        To top off a memorable visit, we had breakfast at one of their favorite local Ma & Pa cafe's for a tasty breakfast. I appreciate their warm hospitality. It is always special to spend quality time with long time friends and Laurel 1962 classmate, if only briefly!

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