Sunday, October 23, 2016


       Speaking of the "grain futures" market, it reminded me of a funny story related to all this when I was still in college. Because of family interest in farming at the time, I  hypothetically played the soybean futures for a time just to see how I would do. 

        At a particular time, I had figured the soybean market should have gone UP for whatever logic I had used at the time. I do remember reading in the newspaper at the time that the soybean market went DOWN due to a world event. The event was something I would have never thought of.  The ANCHOVY catch was quit large at the time off the Chilean coast of South America. The oil from anchovies was a competitor of soybean oil. 

         I gave up my game. My thinking was if I had to tie in anchovies and what was happening that far away, it wasn't something I should get myself involved with!  

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