Saturday, October 15, 2016


     Telling the story about "Right under the cops noses" reminds me of another. This involves a time back in the early 1980's when I stood up for a good friend in Las Vegas at his wedding.

      The friend of mine who lived in Los Angeles at the time also had a friend of his who was actually an allegedly drug dealer and was there for the wedding. They made it no secret what he did, but, talked a lot about doing everything in cash including paying for hotel rooms, buying cars, etc. Other words, no paper trail. I never knew how "big Time" this guy was, but, didn't seem too frightening in any way. 

         Looking back, I am glad that this was as close I would probably get to someone with this type of reputation.  Although now that I enjoy writing, it would have been "kinda" neat to have gotten a little closer and getting into a few more "details!"  I have always been a sucker for mob stuff and all that! 

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