Sunday, October 30, 2016


         Last night I drove to Conrad and had dinner at That Place on the corner outside Conrad. It has been awhile since I had been there and living now in Williamsburg, it's a little out of the way. 
          I made sure I got there right at 5PM so that I could make it back home for the World Series at 7PM. There was no doubt that I was going to have Prime Rib as I still say it is the best for miles and miles around. Also, on the menu was Walleye. No problem! I had both. Or, should I say the Walleye on the`side. 

          Well, as everyone knows. the Cubs lost game four. That's why you never put all your eggs in one basket. I hedged my bet. I am very disappointed about the Cubs, but, oh that meal at That Place!

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